“Rofl”-Fan Project Gavin Henry Cody Lightfoot Mathew Sewell
Our Team! Mathew Gavin Cody
Material’s we used. Scrap 4 x 4 wood and Plywood Funnel Fan Blade Marbles PVC Pipe Scrap Wire Mouse Trap Fishing Line All Thread J-Hooks Metal Bolt ¼ Nuts (For all thread)
Our Project in AutoCad ** Before we even started on the project, we illustrated it and got ideas by using AutoCad. AutoCad was very helpful and we used it as a guide.
Our Final Costs? MaterialsPriceQuantityTotal Funnel.95 cents1 Fan Blade$ PVC Pipe$ 1.002$ 2.00 Plywood$ Marbles.75 cents2$ 1.50 J-hooks.55 cents4$ x24 all thread$ Fishing Line$ /4in nuts.10 cents4.40 cents Scrap Bolt.50 cents1 Mouse trap$ Other Scraps$ 2.00 Grand Total$ 18.30
Problems we encountered We needed various tools not provided at Estabrook so we had to travel to Morristown TN to use Matt’s work shop for the tools. We had problems getting the mousetrap to pull the axle, so we had to drill the trap and put screws threw it and put 4x4's on the bottom to provide hold. We couldn't find eye bolts with a long enough shank on them so we had to purchase j bolts and take a torch and bend them to desired shape. We first had 12 lb fishing line used which had to be changed to 20 because it was breaking under the torque of the trap
Concepts device demonstrates Torque- the mouse trap gave us the energy to rotate the “gear system” we used. Conservation of translational energy-when the first marbles started, it rolled down the hill into the pipe and to the funnel. Center of mass- when the fan blade is mounted, it balance on the J-hooks. Conservation of angular momentum-When the axel is moving, it shows angular momentum throughout the gear system. Conservation of rotational energy- it is also when the marble rolls down the pipe.
Electrical Device? **At the end of the last tube, our final marble hits a push button that turns on the LED! ** The Lantern battery simply because it was cheap and looks cool.