The Life of Jesus Ally Philyaw Amy Wood Caitlin Whiten Sarah Bingham
Born in Bethlehem Probably born around 4 or 5 B.C. Year of birth is uncertain due to a lunar eclipse which altered the calendar Died in Jerusalem around the age of 35
Story of Birth Mary was visited by the angel Gabriel Gabriel told Mary that she would give birth to the Son of God while still a virgin and this baby was to be named Jesus Joseph, her fiancé, considered calling off the engagement to avoid embarrassment, but an angel of God told him to go through with the marriage
Augustus Caesar ordered a census in Israel Mary and Joseph went to Bethlehem to register as Jews They couldn’t find a place to stay, so Mary had to give birth to Jesus in a stable
Shepherds and Wise Men An angel appeared to shepherds in the field and told them to go and see their savior who had just been born Three distinguished wise men observed a star in the sky which they knew to be the sign of a king They followed the star to bring the king the gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh For these reasons, the shepherds and wise men saw the newly born baby Jesus while he was in the manger
Herod had heard that a king was born and sought to kill him An angel warned Joseph and the family escaped to Egypt The family was able to return after Herod’s death
Young Life The Bible doesn’t tell us much about Jesus’ childhood, but we do know: Jesus grew up in Nazareth (Because of this, some questioned his qualifications as the Messiah – they thought the Messiah was supposed to grow up in Bethlehem) He had 4 brothers – James, Joseph, Simon, and Judas – and sisters whose names are unknown He worked in his father’s carpenter shop as a young man
Jesus Visits the Temple When Jesus was 12, he and his family went to Jerusalem to celebrate Passover Mary and Joseph lost Jesus in the crowd They discovered him in the Lord’s Temple The people are said to have been “amazed by his depth of understanding and by his knowledge” (Luke 2:41-52)
Around the age of 30, Jesus started traveling to teach God’s message and perform miracles He had 12 disciples: Simon Peter, Andrew, James, John, Philip, Matthew, Nathaniel, Thomas, James (son of Alphaeus), Simon the Zealot, Judas (son of James), and Judas Iscariot
His Teachings
Miracles Jesus is said to have performed many miracles during his lifetime Some examples: he turned water to wine, healed lepers, cast out demons, walked on water, fed 5,000 with 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread, gave sight to a blind man, and raised Lazarus from the dead
Death of Jesus The Jewish leaders hated Jesus and declared him blasphemous for claiming to be the Son of God The Romans, hearing that he claimed to be the prophesied Messiah, feared he would try to overthrow their rule Jesus knew that his death was approaching, so he shared what is known as The Last Supper with his disciples on Passover and told them the news
Jesus’ own disciple, Judas Iscariot, turned him over to the Jewish leaders who then brought him to Pontius Pilot, the Roman leader Jesus was mocked, beaten, and crucified According to the Bible, the curtain in the temple of Jerusalem split fully in half at the time of Jesus’ death
Crucifixion Crucifixion was the Roman capital punishment Criminals had to carry a 110 pound crossbeam to their execution site, where they were hung on the wooden cross Their arms were spread and pinned with iron spikes The right foot was crossed over the left and an iron spike was pushed through the arches and heels The criminals body was placed in such a way that every time they moved, they would experience a new pain The execution ended when the criminal’s legs were broken, causing them to suffocate and die
Resurrection After his death, Jesus was placed in a temporary tomb Mary (Jesus’ mother), Mary Magdalene, and a few other women went on the Sabbath to anoint the body, but the body wasn’t in the tomb According to the Bible, Jesus was resurrected from the dead on the third day after his death The disciples were informed of the news and soon visited by Jesus After Jesus spent some time visiting his followers on earth, he rose in to Heaven to be with God
Jesus’ Legacy After his death, Jesus’ disciples and other followers travelled to spread his teaching and the story of his life, death, and resurrection These people, who believed Jesus was the Messiah and would come again to save them, became known as Christians
Works Cited "Childhood of Jesus Christ." Life of Christ: Life, History, and Teachings of Jesus Christ. Web. 16 Feb "Jesus' Birth." Crandall University. Web. 16 Feb "Roman Crucifixion." Jesus Christ - Web. 16 Feb "Was Jesus Born on December 25." Jesus Christ - Web. 16 Feb