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Presentation transcript:

Mr. Swindells’ ENGLISH 10

Don’t Forget... Contestants

…Always phrase your answers in the form of a question!

Hands on your buzzers, its...

Julius Caesar By: William Shakespeare A Doll’s House By: Henrik Ibsen The PSSA Rubric Inferno By: Dante Epics Gilgamesh,the Ramayana, Oedipus the King

Julius Caesar ruled Rome in this year. What is ……..…? Julius Caesar for $100

44 B.C. Back to Game

He is the tragic hero of the play Julius Caesar, and “the noblest Roman of them all.” Who is…? Julius Caesar for $200

Back to Game BRUTUS!

What is…? Julius Caesar for $300 This literary device occurs when the audience knows that Caesar’s “friends” plan to kill him, but Caesar does not.

Dramatic Irony Back to Game

This person is someone Caesar says he does NOT trust because he has a “lean and hungry look.” Who is…? Julius Caesar for $400

Cassius Back to Game Good Answer!

This is a term for the lesson or main message of any story. In Caesar, a possible one of these is: with power often comes greed. What is…? Julius Caesar for $500

Back to Game Theme

Torvald’s control over Nora is symbolized by this song and dance in the play. What is…? A Doll’s House for $100

The Tarantella Back to Game

This addiction, more serious than her love for macaroons, is Nora’s biggest weakness. What is…? A Doll’s House for $200

Spending money Back to Game

Who is…? A Doll’s House for $300 She is Nora’s friend from school, and she convinces Krogstad to keep Nora’s forgery and debt a secret.

Mrs. Linde Back to Game

Who is…? A Doll’s House for $400 This person thinks only of himself when Krogstad’s letter tells him of Nora’s forgery.

Torvald Helmer. Back to Game

What is…? A Doll’s House for $500 This is why Nora decides to leave Torvald at the end of the play.

Torvald’s treating Nora like a piece of property. Back to Game

Dante’s entrance into these, at the beginning of Inferno, symbolizes his confusion and sinfulness. What are… ? Inferno for $100

The “dark woods” Back to Game

This is the name for a story where the characters, settings and events are an interconnected series of symbols which may contain a lesson about life. What is…? Inferno for $200

An Allegory Back to Game

What is…? Inferno for $300 This is why Virgil is unable to lead Dante beyond Hell and into Heaven.

Virgil is unsure of his belief in God. Back to Game

What is…? Inferno for $400 This is why Judas Iscariot, Brutus, and Cassius are in the lowest level of Hell.

The crime of betrayal Back to Game

Who is…? Inferno for $500 This is the name of the ferryman who takes Dante into Hell.

Charon Back to Game

What is…? Epics for $100 This is the great deed Oedipus has done for the people of Thebes before the action of the play begins.

Oedipus defeated the Sphinx. Back to Game

What are (two parts) …? Epics for $200 This is the dramatic irony that Oedipus doesn’t know about his parents.

Oedipus has killed his father, Laius, and married his mother, Jocasta Back to Game

What are … ? Epics for $300 In the Ramayana, this is how one could best describe the role of the gods who look down on the battle after sending Rama the chariot

Spectators Back to Game

Who is…? Epics for $400 In the The Epic of Gilgamesh, this is the person whose dream tells Gilgamesh of the afterlife.

Enkidu Back to Game

Who is…? Epics for $500 In the “Epic of Gilgamesh,” this is the person whom the gods give the gift of everlasting life after the flood.

Upnapishtim Back to Game

What is…? Keystones for $100 This is a form of metaphor where part of something is used to signify the whole.

Back to Game Synecdoche Canada played the U.S. in Hockey He tossed the pigskin All hands on deck! The pot was boiling I love Shakespeare

What is…? Keystones for $200 This is a figure of speech employing obvious, extravagant, and often outrageous exaggeration.

Hyperbole Back to Game “There was, like, a thousand firefighters on my street last night.” The shot heard ‘round the world

What is…? Keystones for $300 This is a propaganda technique in which the writer uses ordinary people or tries to sound ordinary to sell something or persuade others to support an idea.

PLAIN FOLKS Back to Game

What is…? Keystones for $400 This is the type of persuasive rhetoric which appeals to the emotions of the audience.

PATHOS Back to Game

What is…? Keystones for $500 This is a manner of writing in which things are presented as they actually exist in real life without romantic or idealistic coloring.

Realism Back to Game