QURANIC GRAMMAR AS-SARF “Morphology of the words” Lesson 6 Lessons from the book MABADE” ALA’RABIYAH – basics of Arabic Grammar RASHEED SHARTOONI Compiled by: Sheikh Safdar Razi Ali
12- The MASDAR for the MAZEED verbs (review) A. فَعَّلَ becomes تَفعيل و تَفعيلَة B. فاعَلَ becomes مُفاعَلَة و فِعال C. أفعَلَ becomes إفعال D. تَفَعَّلَ becomes تَفَعُّل E. تفاعَلَ becomes تَفاعُل F. اِفتَعَلَ becomes اِفتِعال G. اِنفَعَلَ becomes اِنفِعال H. اِفعَّلَ becomes اِفعِلال I. اِستَفعَلَ becomes اِستِفعال J. اِفعَوعَلَ becomes اِفعِيعال
Meanings of the forms When increasing letters to verb the meaning changes as well. For example: أفعَلَ and فَعَّلَ are to convert the verb into the transitive form (where an object is required in the sentence) as in. أکرَمَ فاعَل and تفاعل denote a form of dual participation as in شارکتُهُ تفعّل is to make the فعّل reflexive as in. عَلَّمتُهُ فَتَعَلَّمَ انفعل and افتعل are to make the فَعَلَ reflexive as in نَثرتُهُ فانتَثَرَ افعلّ is used with an adjective as in احمَرَّ استفعل denotes asking for something as in استَغفَر تفعلل is to make the فعلل reflexive as in دَحرَجتُهُ فَتَدَحرَجَ All of the other forms are used for emphasis.
MASDAR – Notes for the 4 letter MAZEED Verb with vowel letter 1.If the Faa ف of the word was wow و, then it will be converted to a Ya ي Aw Qa Fa أوقفَ (stopping some one) EeQaaFan إيقافا (A stopping) 2. If the Ayn ع of the verb was a vowel letter then the first letter should have a kasrah and the word be suffixed with a circle ta ة. Example: Aqaama آقامِ Eqaamatan إقامة 3. If a verb ended with a vowel letter then it should be changed to TafEelah format Example: غطى = تغطيّة ( GatTa TagTeeyah)
MASDAR – Notes for the MAZEED 4 Letter Verb 4.If the verb was on the scale of Fa ّّ ’ ّ ala ( فَعّلَ )then it should be changed to TafEeel تفعيل (FaAaLa فَعلَ Tafeelon تفعيل ) Dar’raba (He Trained) Tadreebon ( A Training)
MASDAR of 5 Letter MAZEED Verb If the verb started with Hamza then: add kasra to the 3 rd letter, and add an Alif to the letter before the last. IJTaMaAa اجتمَعَ IjTeMaaAaan اجتِماعا InDaFaAa اندَفَعََ (Push) InDeFaaAaaun اندِفاعاً
Masdar of 6 Letter MAZEED Verb If the verb was prefixed by extra taa then it is turned into past tense and Dhamma is added before the last letter TaQaddam تقدم Taqadumma تقدُماً Ta Aalama تَعَلَمَ TaAluMaa تَعلُما
Types of Masdar Masdar is the infinitive noun (derived from a past tense verb normally ). It signifies the occurrence of an action or the existence of a state. The types of Masdar: 1.MASDAR SAREEH ( the regular) 2.Masdar Meemi 3.Masdar Sinaa'e – Artificial Infinitive 4.Masdar of Oneness / Unity and type 5.Masdar Moawal
THE MĪMĪ INFINITIVE (ALMASDAR ALMIMI) It is formed from all verbs by adding a mīm (prefix). The mīmī infinitive is formed from triliteral verbs in the form مَفعَل for example:. مَنظَر It is formed from the letter verb Mafal مفعل Nazara (Look) Manzarun نَظَرَ -> منَظَرٌ Dharaba (Hit) Madhrabun ضَرَبَ -> مَضرَبٌ The exceptions to this are quasi-sound verbs whose first root letter is a vowel letter, these will be in the form مَفعِل, for example:. مَوعِد If the first letter was a vowel letter then it will be on scale of Mafe’l مفعل Example: – Wa Qa Aa MowQeAa وَقَعَ -> مَوقِع
11-Masdar Meemi vs.noun of time (ZAMAAN) and place (MAKAAN) Note: Noun of Place / Time has the form of Mafal and Mafel. Therefore all Noun of place/time nouns are Masdar Meeme, but not every Masdar Meeme is a noun of place/time. Mafal مفعل similar to ISM MAKAAN مطبخ – اسم مكان kitchen =MATBAKH Mafe’l مفعل similar to ISM ZAMAAN مغرب – اسم زمان sunset = MAGHRIB This will be further studied in detail
12- Masdar Meem The mīmī infinitive is formed from verbs with more than three letters by placing them in the passive (MAJHOOL) YOFA’LO يفعل voice of the present tense and replacing the present tense prefix letter with a mīm which has a d ummah,, and a Fatha before the last letter. for example: AKRAMA> YOKRIMO> MOKRAMO مُکرَم << يكرم << أكرم Ufa’elo Mufa’alo – Qarraba (to be close) قَربَ Present Tense YoQareBa يُقرَب MuQaraba مُقربَ – ZalZala زلزل (Earthquake) YuZilZeLu يُزلزِل ManZelZalu مُزَلزَلُ Please Note: This form also applies to Object noun (ISIM Mafool). Thus every Object noun is a Masdar Meem but not every Masdar Meem is an object noun.
Masdar Meem Some words become Masdar Meem by adding a circle Ta. Haba حبّ (Love) محبة MoHabatun NaFaAa نفع (Benefit) منفعة ManFaAah
The noun of MASDAR (INFINITIVE) A noun of an infinitive noun is a word which indicates the meaning of an infinitive and it has less letters than its original verb either literally or implicitly, for example: noun of the infinitive noun or ISIM AL- MASDAR العطاء a gift derived from the MASDAR الإعطاء which is derived from the verb gave اعطى
Masdar Sinaa'e المصدر الصناعي Artificial Infinitive is an infinitive that makes a noun collective / “entire kind”. For example Human Artificial Infinitive Humanity. The noun is suffixed with a Relating Ya and a Circle Taa is added at the end. Insaan انسان (Human) Insaaneyyah انسانية (Humanity) Islam اسلام islamiyaah اسلامية
Masdar of Oneness /Unity=FA’LAH Masdar of Oneness / Unity is a noun that indicates an action happening once. The tri-lettered form is on the scale of Fa’latun or FA’LAH فَعلَةً فعل > DhaRaBa (he Hit) ضَرَبَ -> DhaRaBTan ضَربَةً (A Hit) For Non Tri-Lettered, it is suffixed with a circle Ta: In TalaQa انطلق InTalaqatan انطلاقةً He left A Leaving
Masdar of Type= FE’LAH Masdar of Type is a noun that indicate a certain “type” of behavior. The behavior is determined by the context of the sentence. Example: “I was at the grocery store and Joe gave me a look” The “type” of look is determined by the context and not specified in Masdar of Type. Tri-lettered noun are on the scale of Fe’latun or FE’LAH فعل > فعلة. Nazara (he Looked)-> NizRah نظر > نظرة a look Jalasa (he sat down) Jelsah جلس > جلسة a sitting There is no particular form for non tri-lettered. التفت he observed ألتفاتة an observation
Masdar Moawal ( مصدر مؤول ) Masdar Moa’wal مصدر مؤول comes in the following forms:. – Unn + present tense verb – “Maa” + Past Tense Verb – Inna + Ism (Subject) + Khabar (predicate)
Masdar Moawal ( مصدر مؤول ) Unn أن + يفعل present tense verb Obvious Masdar مصدرصريح (SAREEH) = Masdar Mo’awal مصدر مؤول -ShurBun (Drink) شُربٌ = An Shurba آن يشربَ – DhurBun (Hit) ضُربٌ = An YaZReMa آن يضربَ Adding a “Maa” ما فعلت with the past tense of the verb – AmaluKa عَمَلكُ = Maa AmalTa ما عَملتَ – ShurBuKa شرُبُك = Maa ShaRibTa ماشربتَ Adding a nominal sentence as a Masdar (Unn أنّ + Ism اسم - Subject + Khabar خبر ) IraaDaHullah ارادهُ اللهِ = Anallaha Yureedu أنَ الله يريدَ
Rules of Masdar Sometimes Masdars replace the verb. In such a case the Masdar must associate to a subject and sometimes an object. If the masdar was used as a replacement of the verb 1.TarKan ALE HMAALA تركاً الاهمالَ = MASDAR used as a verb 2.OTROK ALEHMAALA اتراك اهمالَ = Verb