WEST COMMUNITY COHESION TEAM Pc Ian Ashton and Helen Chadwick
What are we going to talk about? WEST COMMUNITY COHESION TEAM
Your Rights We all have the right to: Keep safe and feel safe Use the law Speak up and for people to listen to you Be treated well and with respect Be who you are Make your own choices Keep your things safe WEST COMMUNITY COHESION TEAM
Your Rights It is wrong for anyone to hurt you or make you feel unsafe. It is wrong for anyone to take or to harm your things. It is wrong for anyone to treat you badly for who you are. WEST COMMUNITY COHESION TEAM
Your Rights If anyone does any of these things to you it may be against the law. It may be a crime. If it is not a crime it is still wrong and is called an incident. Tell someone if anything makes you feel bad. Report it if something is wrong. Tell the police if anyone does something against the law. WEST COMMUNITY COHESION TEAM
RACE DISABILITY RELIGION OR BELIEF GENDER IDENTITY LESBIAN, BISEXUAL OR GAY It is wrong for anyone to have prejudice or hostility for other people WEST COMMUNITY COHESION TEAM Hate Crime
There are lots of different types of crimes: Assault Abuse Violence towards you Name calling and threats Domestic abuse Theft/ Robbery By you partner or a relative Stealing from your property Stealing from you WEST COMMUNITY COHESION TEAM The Law
Damage Sexual Abuse Someone who touches your body when you don’t want them to Harassment/ Intimidation/ Bullying Shouting at you Calling you names Follows you Laughs at you Scares or upsets you WEST COMMUNITY COHESION TEAM The Law
The police want you to tell them about all Hate Crimes and Incidents. It is important to Tell Someone if anyone makes you feel bad, scared or upset or they harm you or your things. If it happens to you, you are the Victim. If it happens to someone else and you see or hear it you are a Witness. WEST COMMUNITY COHESION TEAM Report It
If you or someone else needs help very quickly and it is an emergency call 999 or 101 (if not an emergency). Tell someone – If it is not an emergency or you are not sure if you want to talk to the police you can talk it over with someone. You do not have to give your name to the police. You have the right to be safe and feel safe WEST COMMUNITY COHESION TEAM How to Report it
When you make a report the police will get evidence. To get evidence the police will look at what has happened. They will find out the facts. They will talk to people to get more information about the crime or incident. WEST COMMUNITY COHESION TEAM What happens next?
The police will then show the evidence to the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS). The Police, CPS and Victim Support will be able to help you if your case has to go to court. WEST COMMUNITY COHESION TEAM
Keep your keys in a safe place like in a zipped up pocket. Take some money so you can make a phone call or pay for a bus fare. Keep it separate from your wallet or purse. If you’re out at night – carry enough money for a cab home. WEST COMMUNITY COHESION TEAM Things to take with you
Personal alarm - Carry a personal alarm, especially if you go out when it’s dark. You can buy one in a shop or online Mobile phone - If you have a mobile phone keep it with you. Make sure it’s charged and has credit on it. Meditag - If you have diabetes or epilepsy wear your Meditag bracelet or necklace. This lets people know if you need help. WEST COMMUNITY COHESION TEAM Things to take with you
Before using a cash machine, check who is around you. Put your money away before you walk away. WEST COMMUNITY COHESION TEAM Staying Safe – Your Money
Before you go - answer these questions: Where are you going? How will you get there and back? How much money will you need? Then before you go out - tell someone Where you are going? How you will get there? How you will get back? What time you will be back? WEST COMMUNITY COHESION TEAM Staying Safe – Going Out
Personal Computers Laptops Tablets Mobile Phones Game Consoles WEST COMMUNITY COHESION TEAM Internet Safety
WEST COMMUNITY COHESION TEAM Where can it be accessed?
Cyber bullying Grooming’, inappropriate contact Sexting offensive images, messages and videos Blackmail, Identity theft, fraud Seeing inappropriate images and content Harmful material (anorexia, suicide sites) Viruses and pop ups What are the dangers?
Lancashire police devised ‘Staying Safe on the Internet’. The package is made up of five lessons covering money scams, internet fraud, exploitation, violence and cyber-bullying. It has been delivered in schools, youth groups, children's homes etc. to highlight dangers, warning signs and raise awareness amongst teenagers. You can get advice on these websites, and and If you see something that makes you uncomfortable - Tell somebody you trust and report it. You can report crime anonymously using Crimestoppers if you are unsure. The police treat all reports seriously and will investigate where appropriate. You can also use CEOP report online feature WEST COMMUNITY COHESION TEAM What can we do?
Do you have any Questions? WEST COMMUNITY COHESION TEAM