IPCB Mandate Dubai Conference 2006 Main coordination body for institutional and police reform within wider rule of law context Direct, prioritize and coordinate the international police reform effort Direct Coordinate Prioritize
Caucus Working Level 1 st Secs & Deps Police Development Board Level Ambs & HoMs Secretariat IPCB Structure Rule of Law Outreach & Reporting
Governance Standing Committee Socio-Economic Standing Committee Minister of Interior chairs 19 IC members + MoI Minister of Defence & UNAMA co-chair Approx. 30 IC members Minister of Finance & UNAMA co-chair Decision Making Process IPCB Standing Security Committee Joint Coordination & Monitoring Board (JCMB)
IPCB Secretariat To guide, facilitate and coordinate the activities of the IPCB and its associated bodies Permanent body of civilian & police personnel Provides recommendations to, and receives direction from, IPCB Facilitates meetings and working groups Manages Police Reform Database Provides specialist input to key MoI/ANP documents & initiatives
NAMEPOSITIONBACKGROUNDNATIONALITY Catherine Royle Head of Secretariat Diplomat UK Raphael Creemers Deputy Head/CoS Police Chief Holland Wayne Buchhorn Deputy Head/Police Dev. Police Commander Australia Zoran Mamuzic Database Manager Police Commander Croatia Topi Törrönen Administrative Officer Civilian Finland Joerg Lahman Senior Reporting Officer Civilian Germany Ray Nash Rule of Law Coordinator Sheriff US Scott MacGriff Senior Legal Advisor Senior Federal Atty. US Dale Corra Assessments Officer Police Sergeant Canada Stu Logan NTM-A Liaison Officer MP Wing Cmdr. UK Heidi Berg ISAF Liaison Officer Navy Captain US Abdul Translations Local Staff Afghanistan Qais Translations Local Staff Afghanistan
IPCB Working Groups Senior Police Advisory Group (SPAG) Police Assessment Working Group (PAWG) Conference Working Groups WG 1 – ANP Professionalization WG 2 – Police-Justice Coordination WG 3 – MoI Institutional Reform
Senior Police Working Group SPAG Senior Police Advisors from IPCB members Meets on an as-needed basis Provides police expertise to IPCB bodies and other organisations
Police Assessment Working Group PAWG Sub-working group of SPAG IPCB/SSC/UNAMA approval of ANP growth to 157,000 conditional upon development of assessment tool for civilian policing skills Currently administered through the CORR 6 basic questions which expand to 20
IPCB Rule of Law Mandate Work across agencies and IC to promote transition to RoL and Civilian Policing Improve linkages and transparency between police and justice sector Encourage transition to evidence-based judicial process
Challenges to Transition Illiteracy Corruption Militarization of Police Attrition Gender & Human Rights Police-Prosecutor Relations Afghan Law/Sharia v. Tribal Custom
Police Reform Database Operational since Jan 2011 Administrated by IPCB Sec Web-based tool to share unclassified information Prevents duplication of efforts and avoids gaps Preserves institutional memory Provides overview of international contributions to police trainings, projects, and overall police reform
Police Reform Database
To gain access: Contact Zoran Mamusic at and he will set up your username and password
International Police Coordination Board