1. Preparing a TASK 2. Making a judgment
Grade 10 (MYP5) - Sciences Grade 10 (MYP5) – English A
Grade 10 (MYP5) - Sciences Grade 10 (MYP5) – English A “Traditional” assessment of acquired knowledge
Sciences G10 (MYP5) Criterion C: Knowledge and understanding of science Students should be able to: Level Level descriptor 0The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below. 1–2The student recalls some scientific ideas, concepts and/or processes. The student applies scientific understanding to solve simple problems. 3–4The student describes scientific ideas, concepts and/or processes. The student applies scientific understanding to solve complex problems in familiar situations. The student analyses scientific information by identifying parts, relationships or causes. 5–6The student uses scientific ideas, concepts and/or processes correctly to construct scientific explanations. The student applies scientific understanding to solve complex problems including those in unfamiliar situations. The student analyses and evaluates scientific information and makes judgments supported by scientific understanding. Levels Band Strands Objectives
Sciences G10 (MYP5) Criterion C: Knowledge and understanding of science levelLevel descriptor 1–2The student recalls some scientific ideas, concepts and/or processes. The student applies scientific understanding to solve simple problems.
Sciences G10 (MYP5) Criterion C: Knowledge and understanding of science levelLevel descriptor 1–2 The student recalls some scientific ideas, concepts and/or processes. The student applies scientific understanding to solve simple problems. Sciences G7 (MYP2) Criterion C: Knowledge and understanding of science levelLevel descriptor– WITH GUIDANCE 1–2 The student recalls some scientific ideas. The student applies logic intuition to solve simple problems. Sciences G6 (MYP1) Criterion C: Knowledge and understanding of science levelLevel descriptor 1–2 The student recalls some scientific ideas. The student applies logic intuition to solve simple problems.
levelLevel descriptor– WITH GUIDANCE 1–2The student recalls some scientific ideas. The student applies logic intuition to solve simple problems. Sciences G6 (MYP1) Criterion C: Knowledge and understanding of science Criterion C Failed (Level 0) Emerging (Level 1-2) Evident (Level 3-4) Outstanding (Level 5-6) Beyond Expectation s You have learned about the following scientific concepts: living organisms, plant and animal cells, organs, organ systems, tissues and function of organs. I expect you understand that visualisatio n of cells requires powerful magnificati on and special preparation of tissues. You can not recall any thing about cells, plants or animals You recall how to distinguish living from non- living organisms You use scientific knowledge which we have not yet studied. You recall the main parts of a microscope and their function You recall some of the differences between plant and animal cells You recall the function of all the organs studied, that organs are made from tissues and tissues are made from cells. levelLevel descriptor Emergin g You recall how to distinguish living from non-living organisms You recall the main parts of a microscope and their function RUBRIC
Please ensure that all assessment criteria are addressed in a BALANCED manner. Minimum requirement: you should have TWO evidences for every achievement level in every criterion. TOOLS
Teacher mark book
Class: 10 Group 1 (PM)A B C D E F Electronic World 5/08 Energy Reources 9/08 Is the future electric? 11/08 Electronic World 5/08 Energy resources 9/08 Is the future electric?11/08 Current, volts questions 6/08 Logic gates 6/08 Fields test 9/08 Conductivity inv 4/08 Efficiency 10/08 Electromagnets 11/08 Conductivity inv 4/08 Power expt 5/08 Magnetic fields9/08 Efficiency 10/08 Electromagnets 11/08 Fields self assessment 9/08 Electromagnets11/08 AL-JAHDHMANI Atheer ALAMER Randa AVIT Zoe BALDVINSDOTTIR Flora CASTELLETI Jacopo HELLYER Nathan IBRAHIM HASHI Fahan NASCIMENTO Victor
MYP assessment is criterion related The ‘best-fit’ approach Finding a criterion total How the final level is given
What it is… Level descriptors identify ‘performances’ (competencies demonstrated, skills mastered) The teacher judges the level that fits best The student’s performance and or the student script can be used as a STRONG or WEAK evidence of achievement
LevelDescriptor 0 The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors given below. 1-2 The student describes how science is applied to addressing a specific local Or global issue. The student states some of the benefits or limitations of science in addressing the issue. 3-4 The student describes how science is applied to addressing a specific local Or global issue. The student describes some of the benefits or limitations of science in addressing the issue. The student describes how science and its applications interact with at least one of the following factors: social, economic, political, environmental, cultural and ethical. 5-6 The student explains how science is applied to addressing a specific local or global issue. The student explains some of the benefits and limitations of science in solving the issue. The student discusses how science and its applications interact with some of the following factors: social, economic, political, environmental, cultural and ethical. Criterion A: one world Students should understand the interdependence of science and society. Students are expected to discuss how science is applied and used to solve specific problems in life and society…. Level 3 means weak evidence of achievement of level 3-4 in criterion A because... a.The task was not adequate to address Level 3-4 and above b.The student’s work fail to fulfill all strands of level 3-4
What it isn’t… NORMATIVE - Students are not ‘ranked’ or compared. Look at each student’s performance ARITHMETICAL - Level descriptors do not ‘add up’: a “4” is NOT two times better than a “2”!
Students should have completed at least 2 assessments per criterion per semester How to decide what level overall to give in each criterion? Look for HIGHEST LEVEL CONSISTENTLY ACHIEVED.
Examples: Tristan Criterion A: = 2 Criterion B: = 3 Criterion C: = 4 WHY? Because the “5” was only one time But achieving a “5” means they achieved a “4”
Criterion totals are added up Subject-specific grade boundaries are applied:
International School of London to download the presentation(notes): spawel.com/assessment.aspx 20