In your binder start your first note page. The Topic will be “The Five Purposes of Art” Remember during this time you need to stay silent for announcements and so that attendance may be taken.
Why artists do what they do best
Observe ritual Celebration Commemoration
Express or communicate emotion, feelings, or ideas Edvard Munch, The Scream, 1893
Create artistic objects used in everyday lives
Promote ideas or products – advertising, marketing, propaganda, ideology
Tell stories, describe/illustrate experiences, communicate ideas or information, document historical events
Take a few minutes to write a short summary of today’s notes in your own words.
Using the magazines in the room, find an example of each of the five purposes of visual art. On a blank piece(s) of computer paper, glue the examples and label them After your examples are dry, hole punch and keep them with your visual art notes – I will check that they are complete with your binder check Scissors are limited so please share