Under the Microscope: Increasing the Quality of Your Wagner Peyser Program
Agenda Review the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) Wagner Peyser (WP) monitoring tools Discuss the most common statewide findings Discuss strategies to improve processes
Jobseeker Job Order PREPREA Management Process
Veteran Processes and Documentation Priority of Service Automated POS (code 089) did not register for the veteran Staff failed to provide and/or record a staff assisted POS (code 189) on the veteran’s record Case Management Vet assigned case management code 128 or 129 Subsequent services not provided and/or documented correctly: initial assessment (code 102) or objective assessment summary (code 203) and employability development plan (code 205)
Initial Assessment and Documentation Evaluation of a customer’s employment history, education, interests, and skills Assists with identification of strengths, barriers, challenges and services needed to obtain goals Lays the foundation for development of an employability plan
Initial Assessment and Documentation No documentation exists, or Documentation lacks key points of the initial assessment process No clear education, employment history, interest or skills listed
Counseling and Employability Development Plan Identification of the appropriate candidate Long term and short term goals are not developed or SMART (specific, measureable, attainable, realistic/relevant, time bound) Action steps are not listed or appropriately linked to the goals
Job Order Placements Correct process for recording a placement does not occur Placement has not been verified by staff or documentation is missing Obtained employments are duplicates of placements previously recorded Obtained employment occurred outside of guidelines and timeframes
Review local operating procedures Create and/or update outdated procedures Create checklists and desk aids Provide training opportunities with practical application activities Create case note templates in the Employ Florida Marketplace (EFM)
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