Independent Non-Executive Directors –The Case for Hong Kong Insurers Office of the Commissioner of Insurance The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Mr. Richard Yuen Commissioner of Insurance
2 Introduction Corporate governance recognized internationally Standards issued by insurance regulators
3 Introduction (cont’d) Guidance Note on the Corporate Governance of Authorized Insurers Promulgated by the Insurance Authority (IA) in August 2002 Effective date: 1 September 2003 Requires appointment of INEDs
4 Importance of Independent Non-Executive Directors (INEDs) Provide independent and objective opinions Assist the Board to make sound decisions Help maintain appropriate checks and balances
5 Requirements about INEDs INEDs not less than one-fifth of the Board INEDs must be fit and proper persons INEDs should be individuals with sufficient calibre and breadth of experience
6 Requirements about INEDs (cont’d) INEDs should be free from any business or other relationships with the authorized insurer At least one INED in the Audit Committee
7 Requirements about INEDs (cont’d) Circumstances in which a director is unlikely to be considered an INED: Employee Director of a company within the same group Controller Associate of director or controller Person having significant financial association with the insurer
8 Compliance Status Authorized insurers in Hong Kong generally comply with the INED requirements Non-compliance Survey on Corporate Governance in Sept 2003 At least one-fifth of the Board composed of INEDs Authorized Insurers
9 Background of INEDs
10 Continuous Professional Development Directors and INEDs to receive training INEDs to make reference to relevant guidelines
11 International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) - Missions Enhance cooperation among insurance supervisors Unite their efforts to develop practical standards Provide assistance to safeguard the integrity of markets Exchange information
12 IAIS - Key Activities: Setting Global Insurance Standards Capital adequacy and solvency Accounting Reinsurance Transparency and disclosure
13 IAIS – Observer Members Exist since 1999 Insurance professionals > 80 Observers Receive draft IAIS standards and training materials for comment Take part in IAIS working parties
International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS)