Jointly presented by Susan Carol and Cameron Krueger Presentation for the World Leasing Convention May, 2001
THE U.S. DIGITAL REVOLUTION TODAY Evolving Internet models & VC spending Poor communication, failure to understand leasing What do application service providers & B2Bexchanges offer? Does end-to-end leasing really matter? 2
INTERNET SPEED SLOWING DOWN Funding issues, stock market retraction DotCom challenges & failures Problems affecting lessors Internet revenue only at 10% in early 2000 Disconnect of online, offline operations Neglect of core capabilities Focus on deal volume, rather than customer Adoption rates low 3
THE “NEW”, NEW ECONOMY What makes a successful digital business? How long does it take? What are the characteristics of successful e-leasing ventures? What is the focus of the new, new economy? 4
Case study perspective Case studies Large ticket leveraged leasing corporation Pure technology company Small, mid-and small-ticket broker shop SUCCESSFUL APPLICATIONS OF INTERNET TECHNOLOGY 6
Situation Legacy system & failure to move to “modern platforms” Highly profitable – no urgency to improve operationally Problem Management reports virtually impossible to create Current reports costly & inaccurate Needed marketing push into new markets Solution Involved Internet & Intranet projects to improve customer relations, increase efficiency, & decrease costs CASE STUDY #1 LARGE TICKET LEVERAGED LEASING CORP. 7
Situation Cost savings critical, but systems not up to task Problem Sub-optimal management of returned equipment Inability to generate buyout quotes in Internet time nor data-mine for sales Could only accept applications via fax Solution Custom built web/application tracking software Integration to core lease accounting system Online buyout quotes for some VAR’s CASE STUDY #2 PURE TECHNOLOGY COMPANY 8
Situation Human resources starved IT resources starved Problem Wasted time re-entering faxed documents Data accuracy abominable Only competitive advantage was rate Solution Off-the-shelf Web application entry Web application status query Fully automated based vendor & broker communications CASE STUDY #3 SMALL, MID- & SMALL-TICKET BROKER SHOP 9
FUTURE OF E-LEASING Serious challenges How lessors will manage them Wireless is HOT E-signatures are here Does end-to-end leasing really matter? 10
APPLICATION TYPES THAT WILL WORK Intranet Executive Information Systems Data mart/report consolidation Focused specific needs ASP – They host it, you work it. Non-core competencies Customer service & asset management Non-proprietary technologies 11
APPLICATION TYPES THAT DO NOT WORK Application only – we have a lot of this today Web “presence” – five years out of date Outsourcing core business functions Anything technically challenging If-you-build-it-they-will-come applications 12
THE BOTTOM LINE Clear communication is critical, regardless of strategy Timely flow of information internally & externally is critical to survive Efficiency, speed & convenience will drive e-commerce Online leasing will expand because the Web offers the above Customer service online and offline must reflect same culture 13
TOP 10 INTERNET RECOMMENDATIONS 1.Having a Web site is not enough to become a global operator 2.Choose your technology partners well 3.Determine SLA & exit strategy early 4.Balance business & technology goals 5.Get an internal champion & rally the end users 6.Budget for post implementation/go-live support 7.Fully-integrated is best, but best-of-breed is reality 8.Check customer references well 9.Insist that you own the data 10.Don’t forget security – hire a hacker 14