What the Metric System Looks Like Intro to the Metric System
UnitPrefixMeaningHow many meters SymbolSize Comparison KilometerKiloOne thousand1000k.62 miles 10 lengths of a football field HectometerHectoOne hundred100hFootball field and 1 endzone DekameterDekaTen10daSchool bus Meter Base unit1mFrom a door knob to the floor DecimeterDeciOne tenth.1dHeight of a ’s soup can CentimeterCentiOne hundredth.01cDigit (distance across your fingertip) MillimeterMilliOne thousandth.001mThickness of a dime
Meter Prefix: None Meaning: base unit How Many Meters: 1 Symbol: m Comparison: From a door knob to the floor
Decimeter Prefix: deci Meaning: one-tenth How Many Meters:.1 Symbol: d Comparison: Height of a Campbell’s Soup Can
Centimeter Prefix: centi Meaning: one- hundredth How Many Meters:.01 Symbol: c Comparison: digit
Millimeter Prefix: milli Meaning: one- thousandth How Many Meters:.001 Symbol: m Comparison: Thickness of a dime
Dekameter Prefix: deka Meaning: ten How Many Meters: 10 Symbol: da Comparison: Length of a school bus
Hectometer Football Field with Just One End Zone Prefix: hecto Meaning: one-hundred How Many Meters: 100 Symbol: hecto Comparison: football field with just one endzone
Kilometer Prefix: kilo Meaning: one- thousand How Many Meters: 1000 Symbol: k Comparison:.62 miles
Volume Equivalence
What are the Implications?
How Much Mass in This Ice Cube?
Volume vs Capacity VOLUME How much space an object or substance takes up. CAPACITY How much a container can hold.
Mass or Weight? Mass: The amount of matter (stuff) in an objective or substance. Mass is measured with a triple beam balance. Weight: How much gravity pulls on the mass of an object or substance. Weight is measured with a spring scale.