Measurement SI fundamental units Mass;Length;Time; Temperature; Amount SI Prefixes Tera (T) Giga (G) Mega (M) Kilo (K)(k) Base unit deci (d) centi (c) milli (m) micro (μ) nano (n) pico (p) femto (f) atto (a)
Measurement Accuracy – How close a measurement is to the actual value Precision – How close together a group of measurements is n.b. - Precision may also refer to how fine a particular instrument will measure. The finer an instrument, the more likely a group of measurements will be closer together. eg. graduated cylinder vs. beaker. Uncertainty -Each instrument has a limit to its precision. Measurements are typically reported to 1/10 th of the smallest division for instruments with markings. The last digit is estimated and the uncertainty of the measurement is given as x the reported precision. For electronics the uncertainty is + the last displayed digit. Molar mass?
Measurement Because each measurement has uncertainty there is a limit to the precision with which we can determine an answer. This precision is determined using sig figs. What is significant? All nonzero integers Trailing zeros followed by a decimal ex: 200. = 3 sf Zero to the right of a decimal, with a number in front ex: = 3 What is not? Leading zeros and zeros to the right of a decimal with no nonzero number in front ex: = ? Sf Trailing zeros not followed by a decimal ex: 200 = 1 sf For multiplication and division, use least # of digits For addition and subtraction, answer should match # with least precision
Propagation of Error Example: Volume of solution measured with grad. cyl. Say mL from one cylinder is added to mL from another = mL Example: Determining density by volume displacement Mass on balance – g (.01/6.56) x 100 =.2% Volume in cylinder mL Volume + object = mL Volume of object = mL (.10/11.5) x 100 =.87% Density = 6.56 ÷ 11.5 = g/mL = 1.1% (1.07%).570 x.0107 =.0061 (rounded to 2 sf because of mass uncertainty. Density = g/mL
Error Analysis There are two main types of errors that can effect values Random error – when an experimenter estimates a reading there is an equal probability of being too high or low Causes: Readability of measuring instrument Change in conditions (pressure, temp, etc.) Incorrect/misinterpretation of the reading Insufficient data (ex: not enough trials) Systematic error – Occurs in the same direction each time, results from poor experimental design/technique or from poorly calibrated/defective instrument (cannot be improved w/ more trials) Examples: Measuring volume at top of meniscus (too high) Overshooting volume delivered in titration (too high) Heat lost from calorimeter (smaller ΔT) Balance measures mass too low
Two common ways to present error Compared to expected value (% error) = Exp – Theo x 100 Theo Precision (deviation) – comparing a set of measurements A good strategy for IB data analysis is to compare deviation with uncertainty to see if the deviation is within the uncertainty range of the measurements used to determine values, or if some other error (eg. experimenter) is involved.
Types of Deviation Average Deviation 4 general chemistry students measure the mass of a text book 1 – 2.38 kg 2 – 2.23 kg 3 – 2.07 kg 4 – 2.55 kg a. Determine the mean b. Determine the absolute difference between each value and the mean c. Add the differences together d. Divide by the total number of measurements e. Express answer as: mean + average deviation Percent average deviation Divide the average deviation by the mean; x 100 Express answer as: mean + % deviation Percent (average) deviation is expressed to only 1sig fig
Types of Deviation Standard deviation Steps a and b are the same Square each difference Use the following formula to calculate the standard deviation: √∑(x – x) 2 (n – 1) n.b. – The value for the mean is based on precision NOT sig figs and the precision for the mean and the deviation should match(except for % deviation). _ Be sure to express the standard deviation as a function of the mean.
Types of Deviation Practice Example: SSeven groups of students each experimentally determined the thickness of the Zn layer on a piece of galvanized iron. The following values were reported (in cm.): ..00193;.00220;.00189;.00216;.00278;.00226; EExpress the mean value for the thickness of Zn including Average deviation % deviation Standard deviation
Dimensional Analysis A method used primarily for unit conversion. WWorks by multiplying with conversion factors Example: A pancake – eating contest was won by an individual who ate 74 pancakes in 6.0 minutes. At that pace, how many eggs would he have eaten in 1.00 hour? Assume 1 egg was used to make 8 pancakes. Light travels at 186,000 mi/s. How many centimeters would light travel in one year? Assume da/yr and 1 mi = km.