June 20, 2008 CATIE, Costa Rica Participants’ Presentations Summary Participants’ Presentations Summary Mobile Seminar on Protected Area Planning and Management Mobile Seminar on Protected Area Planning and Management
Protected Areas Systems Cambodia Protected Areas System and Protected Forests Ecuador National Protected Areas System Fiji: Natural Trust of Fiji Islands Guatemala Protected Area System Guyana Protected Areas System Liberia Protected Areas Network Peru Protected Areas System Suriname Protected Areas System History, current coverage, management categories, institutional and legal aspects, funding issues Challenges and opportunities
Conservation strategies (tools for protecting sites) Conservation Concessions Upper Essequibo River, Guyana Alto Huayabamba, Peru Conservation Lease and Trust Fund Sovi Basin Conservation Area Community Conservation Areas Community Owned Conservation Area (Konashen COCA, Guyana) Community Conservancy (Botanical Landscape World Heritage Site - Richtersveld Community Conservancy) Indigenous Protected Area Werehpai (Southern Suriname) Private Reserves Private Conservation Area, Peru Conservation Agreements (Stewards Program) Guatemala
PA planning and management Liberia: Sapo National Park: infrastructure development, law enforcement, community outreach, ecotourism, monitoring, capacity building, long-term financing mechanism, eco-friendly economic ventures Cambodia: Central Cardamoms Protected Forest: law enforcement, forest protection, community engagement, participatory land use planning, information, education and communications, research and monitoring, ecotourism, government relationships Kanuku Guyana: Mountain Protected Area: PA delineation and management plan
PA planning and management Suriname: Indigenous Protected Area Werehpai: Biodiversity data gathering (camera trapping and surveys with community involvement), management planning, monitoring of threats: biofuels, gold mining (small scale), industrial mining (bauxite, gold), KBA analysis Fiji: Sigatoka Sand Dunes, institutional and financing issues Bolivia: Ecotourism Project - Green Destination 2007: improving small businesses capacity building of managers and guides, community based ecotourism enterprises, best practices in ecotourism, marketing, etc. Ecuador: Galapagos Marine Reserve: governance scheme, zoning, management challenges
Conservation corridors planning and actions Abiseo Condor Kutuku Corridor (Peru-Ecuador) Vilcabamba-Amboró Conservation Corridor (Peru-Bolivia) Land use planning Regional Forestry Plans Environmental services (possible payments) Eco-businesses Conservation of Natural and Cultural Diversity Choco-Manabi Conservation Corridor (Ecuador-Colombia) Regional and local planning Protected areas management and endangered species conservation Biodiversity-friendly practices Alliances and partnerships
We really look forward to continue working with you all!! Congratulations for the wonderful job!