Become an expert on The Andes Countries
Strait of Magellan FSeparates mainland Chile from Tierra del Fuego
Argentina F2nd largest country in area (after Brazil)
altiplano FTreeless plains in the center of Argentina
Rio de la Plata FFunnel shaped bay bordering Buenos Aires
Jose de San Martin FGeneral who helped Argentina win its freedom from Spain
Falkland Islands FCalled the Malvinas Islands in Argentina
Patagonia FMain sheep raising area of Argentina
Columbia FBorders both the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean
Emeralds FColumbia produces 90 % pf the world’s supply
Coffee FColumbia’s most important Cash Crop
Andes Mountains FBogota and most of Columbia’s cities are in the valleys of these mountains
Bogota FCapital of Columbia
Lima FCapital of Peru
Chile FCentral Valley has fertile soil and mild climate FMost Chileans live there FCentral Valley has fertile soil and mild climate FMost Chileans live there
Inca Empire FIn the late 1400s Peru was the center of the Inca Empire
Peru Current FKeeps Ecuador and Peru in mild temperatures
Ecuador FPetroleum is the major mineral export
Quito FCapital of Ecuador
Bolivia FLandlocked country near the center of South America FHas 2 capital cities FLa Paz and Sucre FLandlocked country near the center of South America FHas 2 capital cities FLa Paz and Sucre