Applications of CoML knowledge: Reaching out to National Governments, UN System, and NGOs during I. Poiner, M. Williams, S. Garcia CoML SSC Agenda Item X F, June 2007 Ecuador
What are key targets for CoML outputs? UN system: need a scan of relevant forthcoming events and programs –UN: 2010 Year of Biodiversity; 4th Global Conference on Oceans, Coasts, and Islands, April 7-11, 2008; High-level Oceans Summit in –IOC/UNESCO 5IOC is partner of the Global Conference on Oceans and coasts (see above) –FAO: COFI 2009? CGRFA? –CITES –CBD-SBSTTA March 2009, Island biodiversity; COP May 2008 –UNEP –IWC –CMS International may not be only UN? E.g. UN-sponsored national Conferences? Regional agencies such the EEA (McGlade)
What are key targets for CoML outputs? NGOs – global –IUCN, 4 th World Conservation Congress, Barcelona, 5 to 14 October st round call for Forum proposals already closed, 2 nd round closes 30 Sept –WWF, CI, TNC campaigns, events –??? National –Many! –Can key countries be targeted, e.g., NRIC countries, countries hosting CoML project leaders, countries with strong emphasis on oceans? On biodiversity (France)
What content does CoML have to offer ? Need appropriate and timely CoML products for user needs Global/regional projects –Core, Ocean realm, Trophic level National level projects Target audiences –Industry, Environment, Education, Science, General public
What application vehicles does CoML offer? Project scientists - in person NRICs – scientists, events Products –Web-based –Media reports –Scientific publications –Educational materials –Other outreach materials
National Governments Would normally be NRIC-mediated unless global/regional project relevant
Recommendations SSC to designate a team (part of the FC follow-up team?) to develop a plan with options for reaching out to UN agencies, NGOs and national governments in –Task would be to canvass agencies (UN, NGOs, national) for relevant events, programs This plan should be completed for SSC Feb 2008 and decisions made then.