Where in the world is Ecuador? Ecuador Alabama
Red stands for the blood shed for independence Blue is for the sea and sky Yellow is for abundant crops Ecuador’s Flag
Quito: Ecuador’s Capital City
Church of San Fransicso, Quito 85 % of Ecuadorians are Catholic. PHOTO COURTESY OF: Nick Leonard
Rafael Correa, Ecuador’s President
The Andes Mountains
The highest peak is Chimborazo, at 20,702 feet (6,310 meters).
Ecuador: geography. Map/Still. Encyclopedia Britannica. Web. 2 Sept Galapagos Islands
Marine Iguanas in Galapagos, Ecuador PHOTO COURTESY OF: Matt Fleet
Galapagos Islands… Las Islas Encantadas – The Enchanted Islands giant tortoise: Isabela Island. Photograph. Encyclopedia Britannica. Web. 2 Sept
Two blue-footed boobies PHOTO COURTESY OF: Nick Leonard
Some fruits found there are: mangos, papayas, custard apples, pasion fruit, crab apples and bananas. Local market in Cuenca, Ecuador
Ecuador is the largest exporter of bananas and they are included in every meal.
Futbol (Soccer) is one of the most popular sports in Ecuador.
In Ecuador, children attend school only every other year because it is so expensive to purchase uniforms and shoes.