Optoboards dependence on Temperature C. Gemme, T.Flick detector meeting, April 2 nd 2009 Motivations Test in SR1 thanks to K. Lantzsch, L.Masetti, J.Moss, S. Strandberg for helping in setting up the system Conclusions
Opto Temperature dependence in 2008 We have some experience of temperature dependence in the pit: 1.In early August Opto BPR set to 3.5 bar (~-5C ); optoheater setting to 5C. Optoboards temperature ~5-10 C: Many problems in operating the detector! Precise quantification is difficult as the optotuning procedure was also not optimized yet. 2.BOC Scans vs temperature settings on part of the detector (Sep 9/10): Only 6 PP0s all failing at 10C Optoheaters settings at ~10C-13C-16C-19C-22C Data not exactly what we need: 2D scans with some optotuning in between potentially changing Viset, etc.. DECIDED TO REDO THE TEST IN SR1
SR1 test (March 27/28) Setup 14 optoboards with 71 modules enabled (19 modules disabled due to various problems) Optoheaters to warm up (careful not to hit the software interlock) Chiller to go down in opto temperature Scans => ~40 min for each set of measurement including reaching temp stability Inlink/Outlink: BOC_INLINKOUTLINK, Base. 2D_DSP: BOC_THR_DEL_DSP, Preset (DEL 0-24 in 25 steps, THR in 21 steps) 3D_DSP: BOC_THR_DEL_DSP, Optotest_3D (same as 2D, 15 Viset steps ) 3D_FAST: BOC_THR_DEL_FAST, Optotest_3D (same as 2D, 8 Viset steps ) 2D_DSP done only because the analysis should be ready to compare different scans Procedure Day 1: from nominal Temp, go up in temperature with optoheaters Day 2: from minimum T to nominal by varying the chiller set T
Day 1 warm tests Optoheaters powered by deskop PS. No DCS control, no feedback… not very safe Not possible to go up to higher optoboard temperatures as there is a software interlock at 35C (and a hardware at 40C). B boards went were close to the maximum. Temperature changes during the scans due to scan on Viset changing VDC_current. MeaurementOptoheaters V ChillerMean T opto (D/B) #1OFF ~26/~28.5C #211 VOFF~28C/~30.5C #315 VOFF~30C, ~32C interlock #1 #2 #3 #1 #2 #3
Day2: cold tests Hygronometer to check the dew point (-15C inside the ~sealed Toothpix setup). Minimum temperature reachable by the chiller -23C and not very efficient thermal coupling with the optoloop. Opts heaters Chiller Temp (C) T before opto T opto (D/B) 1OFF /13 2OFF /14.6 3OFF /17 4OFF /18.9 5OFF /20.4 6OFF /23.0 7OFF /26.5 8OFF / OFF /31.3
Day2: cold tests L2_B27_S1_C6 T opto
Results Decrease of EFR well visible both for low and high temperature as expected. However: Max reachable temperature is not as high enough to study the upper limit of the working range due to the software interlock. At the min testable temperature with the test setup, only three boards have serious problems, having few ch. each that misbehave. BAD boards L2_B99_S2_A7, Topto= 8.2C L2_B99_S2_C6, Topto= 13.2C L2_B27_S1_C7, Topto= 9.4C Optoboards temperatures for the Coldest, SR1 default and warmest set points
Summary range PP0 Typ e ColdestMin GoodDefaultWarmest Operative range (warmest-min) L0_B12_S1_A6D L0_B12_S1_C7B L0_B12_S2_A7B L0_B12_S2_C6B L2_B27_S1_A6D L2_B27_S1_C7D L2_B27_S2_A7D L2_B27_S2_C6D L2_B99_S1_A6D L2_B99_S1_C7D L2_B99_S2_A7D L2_B99_S2_C6D D1A_B01_S1D D1A_B01_S2D
L2_B27_S2_C6: GOOD! S17684 S17638 S17646 coldest Sr1 default warmest 15 steps in Viset for each scan ( mV)
L2_B27_S1_C7: BAD S17684 S17638 S17646 coldest Sr1 default warmest 15 steps in Viset for each scan ( mV)
L2_B99_S2_A7: BAD S17684 S17638 S17646 coldest Sr1 default warmest 15 steps in Viset for each scan ( mV)
L2_B99_S2_C6: BAD S17684 S17638 S17646 coldest Sr1 default warmest Bad but only two modules enabled at all temperatures
The strange case of L2_B99_S2_C6_M6C I/O Scan/Analysis RX Current (mA)3D_BOC Scan / commentT Opto S17686/ S ok13.3 S17687/ S not working15.2 S17691/ S ok17.4 S17695/ S Not working19.2 S17699/ S Not working20.6 S17703/ S Not working22.7 S17707/ S Not working24.9 S17711/ S ok28.3 S17715/ S ok for the uppermost two Viset steps30.7
Conclusions Optoboards behaviour vs temperature has been studied in SR1: Automatic analysis tools are in preparation to systematically analyze data. Inlink/oulink scan analysis is producing a first feedback of power vs temperature (Ron, Shih- Chieh, David) Maybe interesting to repeat the scans vs Viset (multiple scans varying Viset setting or a 2D in/outlink scan with outer loop on Viset), at constant temperature. 2D scan EFR analysis on-going (Su Yung, Tobias) It might be worth to further extend the temperature range at lower temperatures to check when the ‘good’ optoboards start misbehaving. Switch off part of the optoboards when at the lowest chiller temperature? L2_B99_S2_C6_M6C: power is not always null. To be checked with the powermeter on the BOC side: -> it is worth to measure the behaviour of the bad opto channels in the pit vs optoboard temperature to know more! (Bad opto channels: 2 no opto pin current, 1 no command received, 4 dark channels) It will be interesting to repeat the test on the full detector when the cooling will be back and then a full characterization of our detector optoboards will be available on a wider temperature range. Anyway this test is interesting to have some partial results for the opto note and to prepare tools for the full scale test.
Spares Cold, default, warm scans for all PP0s…
L0_B12_S1_A6_Link0 S17684 S17638 S17646 coldest Sr1 default warmest
L0_B12_S1_C7_Link0 S17684 S17638 S17646 coldest Sr1 default warmest
L0_B12_S1_C7_Link1 S17684 S17638 S17646 coldest Sr1 default warmest
L0_B12_S2_A7_Link0 S17684 S17638 S17646 coldest Sr1 default warmest
L0_B12_S2_A7_Link1 S17684 S17638 S17646 coldest Sr1 default warmest
L0_B12_S2_C6_Link0 S17684 S17638 S17646 coldest Sr1 default warmest
L0_B12_S2_C6_Link1 S17684 S17638 S17646 coldest Sr1 default warmest
L2_B27_S1_A6 S17684 S17638 S17646 coldest Sr1 default warmest
L2_B27_S2_A7 S17684 S17638 S17646 coldest Sr1 default warmest
L2_B99_S1_A6 S17684 S17638 S17646 coldest Sr1 default warmest
L2_B99_S1_C7 S17684 S17638 S17646 coldest Sr1 default warmest
D1A_B05_S1 S17684 S17638 S17646 coldest Sr1 default warmest
D1A_B05_S2 S17684 S17638 S17646 coldest Sr1 default warmest