1 Ch. 21. Health and Medicine Medical Sociology
Two states comparison 2
3 Today’s coming attractions !! How does culture shape your health? What are you most likely to die from? How long will you live? What is the greatest preventable cause of death?
4 How does the culture shape your health? Social inequality Technology
5 What are you most likely to die from? Heart disease Cancer Stroke
6 Are you in a high risk health group? Men vs women? Young white affluent females? Anorexia Deaths among young people: African American males Homicide Other young people Accidents
7 How long will you live? 76.9 years
8 What is the greatest preventable cause of death? Smoking Effects: Physically and psychologically addictive Frequent minor illnesses Increased prenatal death Smoking related deaths
9 Are you between 15 and 25 years old? You are in the highest risk group for sexually transmitted diseases. 2/3 of STI’s are in people under 25 years old.
10 HPV – Human papillomavirus HPV (cause of genital warts) is present in 1 in 5 Americans over 12 years old and in 1/3 of college women! Most common in people under 25 years old. 40 million in the U.S. are infected “Most sexually active people will get HPV” – without knowing it.
11 HPV – Human papillomavirus (cont.) About 50 types of HPV can cause genital infections. Treated, but not cured Most infections go away by themselves Some types cause genital warts cause cervical cancer. Vaccine available – protects against 90% of genital warts and 70% of cervical cancers
12 Genital herpes Infects 1 in 5 adults (Now 1 in 4) 50 Million U.S. adults 70% of people who got herpes got it from someone with no symptoms.
13 Chlamydia Most common infectious disease in US. 3-5 million infected each year
14 Big ideas you can use!! Perhaps 1 in 3 people have or will get a sexually transmitted disease. Most do not know they have it. Some STD,s make others easier to catch. Eg. Chlamydia, gonorrhea, and herpes makes HIV easier to get. Get tested before going to bed.
15 Aids worldwide Highest number of cases? Sub-Saharan Africa Most rapidly rising rate? Thailand
16 High risk behaviors IV drug use Using drugs that impair judgment Anal sex
17 Big ideas you can use!! Do not smoke Use condoms Remember; Most people with sexually transmitted diseases have no symptoms. Assume your partner may have an infection until tested.
18 Medical ethics Euthanasia Assisting in the death of a person suffering from a terminal illness.
19 Human genetics research Stop disease before it develops Information about their future medical condition Health profile of a future child.
20 Tomorrow’s coming attractions!! World population changes Ways of measuring population Age-sex pyramids (Not in Egypt) Ideas about population change