LHC IR UPGRADE - PHASE I CORRECTOR STATUS UPDATE N. Dalexandro, N. Elias, M. Karppinen, J. Mazet, J-C. Perez, D. Smekens, G. Trachez 03/02/10M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML1 Q1 Q2aQ2bQ3CPD1QDX
Corrector Package (CP) 03/02/10M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML2 CurrentIntegrated strength (field)Aperture MCXB (B 1 /A 1 )+/- 2.4 kA 1.5 Tm140 mm MQXS (A 2 )+/- 2.4 kA0.65 mm140 mm MQXSMCXH ~1 m~0.9 m MCXBV ~0.5 m MCXT (B 6 )+/- 120A mm140 mm MCXO (B 4 )+/- 120A mm140 mm MCXSO (A 4 )+/- 120A mm140 mm MCXSS (A 3 )+/- 120A mm140 mm MCXS (B 3 )+/- 120A mm140 mm IPIP IPIP MCXSS MCXS MCXSO MCXO MCXT ~0.5 m ~1 m
Correctors in Q2 Base-line (HV and VH) orbit corrector scheme allows controlling the orbit to a level 3 times larger that then BPM resolution. To reach the same level as the effective BPM resolution : Provide 1.5 Tm (1.8 Tm) in H&V-plane in BOTH locations. Feasibility study underway on combined H/V-corrector that meets the reliability requirements (Report by Mid Model work..) An extra H/V pair means: Magnet R&D, material R&D, design, component & tooling procurement Additional powering and protections circuits 03/02/10M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML3 7 m MCXBV (MCXBHV?) m MQXC Q2aQ2bQ1 MQXC 10 m Q3 MQXC 10 m m MCXBH (MCXBHV?) REF: S. Fartoukh, R. Tomas, J. Miles: “Specification of the Closed Orbit Corrector magnets for the NEW Inner Triplets”, sLHC Project Report 030
Radiation Environment (Q2a & CP) 03/02/10M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML4 Courtesy of F. Cerrutti & A. Mereghetti EN-STI-EET, FLUKA-team
Radiation Environment (sLHC v2.0) Luminosity: 2 L 0 = 2 × cm -2 s -1 & 1000 fb -1 Peak dose CP: ~ MGy ø120 mm aperture, no shielding ~ MGy ø140 mm aperture, no shielding ~10 MGy ø140 mm aperture, 10 mm SS Peak dose in Q2 (with 13 mm liner in Q1): ~28 MGy, ø120 mm aperture, no shielding ~ 8 MGy ø140 mm aperture, 10 mm SS 03/02/10M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML5 Courtesy of F. Cerrutti & A. Mereghetti EN-STI-EET, FLUKA-team
Organization MCXB DesignCERN ModelCERN Series (20 off)Special French Contribution/CERN? MQXS DesignCERN Model & R&DCERN & STFC Series (5 off)Special French Contribution/CERN? MCXS and other Higher Order Correctors (TBC) DesignCIEMAT ModelCIEMAT Series (5 off)Special French Contribution/CERN? Testing (cold) at CERN Plan B for Models: RAL, CEA (TBC) Cold mass integration and cryostat assembly at CERN 03/02/10M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML6
Organization: STFC Involvement R&D on coated metallic end spacers for cos Ɵ coils (rad resistance, alternatively usable for thermal reaction of Nb3Sn Coils) Validation of porous all polyimide insulation for the 18 strand Rutherford cable Study of E-modulus of the insulated cable / dielectric properties Assembly of the models at CERN (short mech. model & model) 03/02/10M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML7
NIT Funding 03/02/10M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML8 Courtesy of S. Russenschuck
MCXB 4-Block Design 03/02/10M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML9 Courtesy of L. Favre 1000 Field strength 1.5 Tm Operating temp 1.9 K Current 2.4 kA Inductance 10 mH New 4.37 mm cable & Polyimide insulation Self-supporting collars Single piece yoke Ø570 Ø140
Unit Integrated fieldTm6 Nominal fieldT4.0 Mag. lengthm1.50 Nominal currentA2438 Stored energykJ233 Self inductancemH78 Working point60% Cable width/mid-heightmm4.37 / Total lengthm AperturemmØ140 Total masskg~2700 MCXB Initial 6-Block Design 03/02/1010M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML
Unit Integrated fieldTm1.5 Nominal fieldT2.3 Mag. lengthm0.65 Nominal currentA2400 Stored energykJ28 Self inductancemH10 Working point50% Cable width/mid-heightmm4.37 / Total lengthm~1 AperturemmØ140 Total masskg~2000 MCXB Single-Layer Design 03/02/1011M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML
18-Strand Cable Strand parameters Cu:Sc1.75 Strand diameter0.48mm Metal section0.181mm 2 No of filaments2300 Filament diam.6.0µm I(5T,4.2K)203*A jc3085*A/mm 2 Cable Parameters No of strands18 Metal area3.257mm 2 Cable thickness0.845mm Cable width4.370mm Cable area3.692mm 2 Metal fraction0.882 Key-stone angle0.67degrees Inner Thickness0.819mm Outer Thickness0.870mm Polyimide Insulation: 2 x 25µm + 55 µm Trial cabling length (~100 m) done! Insulation trials & characterization in progress.. 03/02/1012M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML *) extracted strand March -09
Cable Insulation 03/02/10M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML13
Cable insulation 03/02/10M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML14
Conductor and Insulation Needs 03/02/10M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML15 18-strand Cable MCXBMQSX Unit Cable Length32030m Total Cable Length7.21.2km Total Strand (+5%) km Polyimide 25 µm61.2kg Polyimide 55 µm71.3kg ~250 km of strand in
MCXB 4-Block Design: FEA 03/02/10M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML mm model to verify material properties and assembly parameters Courtesy of N. Elias
MCXB 3D (return end) 03/02/10M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML17 ˜260 mm B1= 0.37 Tm x T x 0.34 m = 1.5 Tm ENDSSTRAIGHT b 3 = units b 5 = units b 7 = units b 9 = units b 11 = units Design current = 2.4 kA Coil length = ˜0.84 m Total length = ˜1 m
MCXB 3D Harmonics 03/02/10 M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML18 Integrated Field (2.4 kA) B1 1.5 Tm b unit b unit b unit b unit b unit a unit a unit a unit a unit a unit a unit
MCXB 4-Block Design Quench (3kA) 03/02/10M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML19 Rd = 0.16 Ω Warm diode No heaters
MQXS Assembly 03/02/10M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML20 Ø570 Ø Field strength 0.65 Tm Gradient 25.5 T/m Operating temp 1.9 K Current 2.4 kA Inductance 3.3 mH New 4.37 mm cable & Polyimide insulation Single layer coils Self-supporting collars Single piece yoke Courtesy of G. Villiger
MQSX Initial 2-Layer Design Unit Nominal gradientT/m 40 Mag. lengthm 0.5 Nominal currentA 1602 Stored energykJ 19.1 Self inductancemH 15 Working point <55% Cable width/mid-heightmm3.40 / Cu/Sc 1.2 Total lengthm ~0.8 Aperturemm ø140 Total masskg ~500 03/02/1021M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML
MQSX Single-Layer Base-Line Design Unit Nominal gradientT/m 21 Mag. lengthm 0.64 Nominal currentA 2400 Stored energykJ 8.8 Self inductancemH 3.0 Working point 44 % Cable width/mid-heightmm4.37 / Cu/Sc 1.2 Total lengthm ~0.9 Aperturemm ø140 Total masskg ~500 03/02/1022M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML
MQSX 3D (return end) 03/02/10M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML23 ˜120 mm A2(40 mm)= Tm x T/m x 0.47 m = 0.65Tm ENDSSTRAIGHT a 6 = units a 10 = 0.01 units a 14 = 1.35 units Design current = 2.4 kA Coil length = 0.7 m Total length = ~0.9 m
MQSX 3D harmonics 03/02/10M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML24 Integrated Field (2.4 kA) A Tm a unit a unit a unit b unit b unit b unit b unit
MQSX Single Layer Design Quench (3kA) 03/02/10M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML25 Rd = 0.16 Ω Warm diode No heaters
MQXS Single-Layer Design: FEA 03/02/10M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML26 Courtesy of N. Elias
Super-ferric MCSX Design report in progress This concept is no longer compatible with the requirements Updated scope of CIEMAT’s involvement being discussed 03/02/10M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML27 Courtesy of Iker Rodriguez (CIEMAT)
Next steps… Optics studies => Confirm parameters & Lay-out (getting there..) Cabling & insulation trials and characterization (in progress..) Detailed fabrication design (magnet & tooling) (in progress..) Model magnet construction (MCXB, MQXS) Feasibility study of combined H-V orbit corrector (in progress..) Material R&D, Trials, Magnet model..? Higher order correctors Magnetic and mechanical designs(Feb Sep -10) Material R&D (Mar Nov -10) Conductor procurement (Aug Jul -11) Model/prototype magnets construction (Jul -11..May -12) 03/02/1028M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML
Milestones… (MCXB & MQXS) Parameter listOct-09..Jan-10 Magnetic and mechanical designNov-09 Fabrication drawingsMay-10 Trial coilsJul-10 Mechanical modelMay-10 & Jul -10 Model magnets completedDec-10 Technical specificationsMar-11 Industrial contractsJul-11 Pre-series magnetsJul-12 Series productionSep-12.. Dec-13 03/02/1029M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML
Preliminary Cost-estimate 03/02/10M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML30 Low Profile Costing, considering free material (SC cable, steel for collars, iron for laminations), and Contractors already equipped with curing press and collaring press.
Yet To Define… Integration & Parameters Final optics, Orbit correction scheme, error tables Bus-bar routing and X-sections Cold-mass & Cryo-magnet integration QPS design and lay-out Contractual Scope of Special French contribution Industrial procurement and/or in-house production Testing Funding.. 03/02/10M. Karppinen TE-MSC-ML31