United Nations Human Rights ©2012, TESCCC Grade 6 Unit 11, Lesson 2
United Nations Established after World War II for the purpose of keeping world peace. The headquarters is located in New York City The United Nations has 192 member countries One important goal of the United Nations is to make sure that individual human rights are not being violated ©2012, TESCCC
United NationsHeadquarters in New York City: ©2012, TESCCC
What is genocide? According to the United Nations, genocide is defined as: Any act committed with the idea of destroying in whole or in part a national, ethnic, racial or religious group. Source: ©2012, TESCCC
What are human rights? Human rights are basic rights and freedoms that all people are entitled to regardless of nationality, sex, national or ethnic origin, race, religion, language, or other status. ©2012, TESCCC