Empowering communities Empowering people Mona Nicolici 16 Mai 2012
2 OMV Petrom Resourcefulness Strategy Our approach Growing Shared Value Fostering Innovation and Growth while considering societal needs (M. Porter, 2011)
3 OMV Petrom Resourcefulness Strategy Our translation of the concept Business Growth and innovation Community Development Shared Value
4 OMV Petrom Resourcefulness Strategy Our strategic question in 2012 How do we GROW shared value in Romania? G oals in our CSR Strategy R ealities O bstacles and Opportunities W ay forward
5 OMV Petrom Resourcefulness Strategy How do we Goals: Invest in Romania’s future by changing communities’ lives R O W Shared value for our communities?
6 To foster growth and change people’s lives by investing in strong, sustainable communities Goals: Our ambition
7 OMV Petrom Resourcefulness Strategy How do we foster community growth, while at the same time following our business goals?
8 OMV Petrom Resourcefulness Strategy G oal: To Invest in Romania’s future by changing communities’ lives R eality – National impact can only be achieved through local focus O W
9 G oal: To Invest in Romania’s future by changing communities’ lives R eality – National impact must be achieved through local focus O bstacles: How can we choose the communities we are targeting? W
10 OMV Petrom Resourcefulness Strategy 10 assets Over 350 communities One third of Romania! Obstacles – Whom are we talking to?
11 OMV Petrom Resourcefulness Strategy Obstacles – Heterogeneous demographics
12 OMV Petrom Resourcefulness Strategy How do we G oal: To Invest in Romania’s future by changing communities’ lives R eality – National impact must be achieved through local focus O ptions: Create “action teams” and identify hot spots for each community W Shared value for our communities?
13 OMV Petrom Resourcefulness Strategy Our solution Cultivate responsible business behavior Options – Action Teams to Identify Hot spots Community development
14 OMV Petrom Resourcefulness Strategy Educate employees on sustainability Mapping of business impact in community Mapping of socio- economic issues Identify needs and next steps Step 1 – Cultivate Responsible Business Behaviour Options – Action Teams to Identify Hot spots
15 OMV Petrom Resourcefulness Strategy Identify needs ….and next steps Lack of resources Poor education levels System challenges (transport, health) Need for resources support New sources of incomeAccess to education Protecting our communities Create local know how and support hubs Step 2 – From needs to action: Community Development Options – Action Teams to Identify Hot spots
16 OMV Petrom Resourcefulness Strategy Grants competitions Education for entrepreneurship Business incubation New sources of income Andrei’s School in Petrom communities Trainings for Teachers Access to education Access to life – quality healthcare for 9,5 million Reforestation initiatives – nation wide program Protecting our communities Community Based Organization Local Know How hubs Community development plan Options – Action Teams to Identify Hot spots
17 OMV Petrom Resourcefulness Strategy G oal: To become Romania’s partner in creating sustainable value R eality – Sustainable business means addressing primarily those communities where you conduct business O bstacles and Options: Addressing 350+ communities through local action teams W ay forward – how do we continue to support Romania’s communities?
18 OMV Petrom Resourcefulness Strategy “ We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them Way Forward – Where to?
19 OMV Petrom Resourcefulness Strategy Resourcefulness: empower communities and individuals to foster positive change Way Forward
20 OMV Petrom Resourcefulness Strategy Thank you.