Digital Archives – Preservation, dissemination, promotion and fruition of the Common Archival Heritage Silvestre Lacerda Deputy Director of the Directorate General of the Book, Archives and Libraries, Portugal Workshop on Fight Against Illicit Trafficking of Cultural Goods Casablanca 9-11 Jan 2014
Universal Declaration on Archives Archives record decisions, actions and memories. Archives are a unique and irreplaceable heritage passed from one generation to another. Archives are managed from creation to preserve their value and meaning. They are authoritative sources of information underpinning accountable and transparent administrative actions. They play an essential role in the development of societies by safeguarding and contributing to individual and community memory. Open access to archives enriches our knowledge of human society, promotes democracy, protects citizens' rights and enhances the quality of life.
Universal Declaration on Archives To this effect, we recognize: – the unique quality of archives as authentic evidence of administrative, cultural and intellectual activities and as a reflection of the evolution of societies; – the vital necessity of archives for supporting business efficiency, accountability and transparency, for protecting citizens rights, for establishing individual and collective memory, for understanding the past, and for documenting the present to guide future actions; – the diversity of archives in recording every area of human activity;
Universal Declaration on Archives – the multiplicity of formats in which archives are created including paper, electronic, audio visual and other types; – the role of archivists as trained professionals with initial and continuing education, serving their societies by supporting the creation of records and by selecting, maintaining and making these records available for use; – the collective responsibility of all - citizens, public administrators and decision-makers, owners or holders of public or private archives, and archivists and other information specialists - in the management of archives.
«Internet Universality» UNESCO’s Freedom of Expression and Media Development Division is kick-starting work on a new concept: “Internet Universality”. At this preliminary stage, UNESCO is seeking input from the WSIS community to feed conceptual work on this notion. An outcome may be a document to present at the Internet Governance Forum 2014
«Internet Universality» “Internet Universality” is an over-arching concept whose rich potential calls out to be explored. It recognizes that the Internet is becoming a near-universal reality, starting with physical access and extending deep into the economic, cultural, social and societal aspects of its actual use. Today the focus is increasingly on dynamic applications – as in e-health, political advocacy, m-learning, data-journalism, etc. The Internet’s pervasiveness has accelerated the flow of communication and the pace of history. Its character of enabling information access internationally has also profoundly changed the model of our societies and how individuals interact with one another. “Internet Universality” points to this wide-ranging significance of the Net
Common Archival Heritage, Portuguese examples
relacoes-externas/servico-educativo/cplp- fundos-documentos/ relacoes-externas/servico-educativo/cplp- fundos-documentos/
Common Archival Heritage, Portuguese examples
Common Archival Heritage,
Common Archival Heritage, Portuguese examples
Common Archival Heritage, Portuguese examples
Common Archival Heritage, Portuguese examples
National Archival Authorities File
Repository of Authentic Digital Objects - RODA
Scheme of RODA
Data Model
RODA is an Open Source, and we are currently looking for partners, new cooperations, and more developers to work in RODA. So you are welcome to contact us, any time!
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