9/4/01Mary Price - The Internet1
9/4/01Mary Price - The Internet 2 T h e I n t e r n e t ? I n t e r n a t i o n a l N e t w o r k
9/4/01Mary Price - The Internet 3 ‘A Network of Networks’ A global network Linking: thousands of computer networks, and millions of computers and their users.
9/4/01Mary Price - The Internet 4 How Computers are Networked Wire cables Fibre optic cables Satellite Telephone links Radio waves
9/4/01Mary Price - The Internet 5 Benefits of the Internet Internet users can Communicate and Share Information with other users anywhere in the world.
9/4/01Mary Price - The Internet 6 To Access the Internet you require - Computer Telephone line Modem or ISDN line Subscription with an Internet Service Provider (ISP) Web browsing software
9/4/01Mary Price - The Internet 7 What the Internet provides Electronic mail World Wide Web Usenet newsgroups
9/4/01Mary Price - The Internet 8 The World Wide Web is …… A vast global collection of information. Information is stored on computers connected to the Internet (servers). Web pages can contain text, graphics, photographs, sound, animation and video. Pages are linked to other pages by hyperlinks. hyperlinks.
9/4/01Mary Price - The Internet 9 Web Page Addresses Each website has its own unique ‘address’. bbc.co.uk/webwise/index.html Web addresses are referred to as URLs or Universal Resource Locators
9/4/01Mary Price - The Internet 10 Components of a URL Server Name Protocol Directory Document