IPv4/IPv6, HIP, E.164, URI/URN/URL, DOI Overviews Sep Seungjae Lee
2 / 27 Contents IPv4/IPv6 HIP E.164 URI/URN/URL DOI
3 / 27 IPv4 The current Internet Protocol address e.g RFC 791 (1981) 32bit address: 4,294,967,296 interfaces maximum
4 / 27 The address shortage problem 2 32 addresses is too few Solution CIDR Tighter control on the allocation of addresses Network renumbering DHCP NAT IPv6 (!)
5 / 27 IPv6 RFC 2460 (1998) 128bit address space : = 3.4*10 38 e.g. 21DA:00D3:0000:2F3B:00AA:00FF:FE28:9C5A
6 / 27 IPv6 features Larger address space Flexible header format Auto-configuration Support for resource allocation Security Mobility
7 / 27 IPv6 deployments The Internet is still mostly IPv4 Transitional mechanisms e.g. dual stack, encapsulation
8 / 27 Contents IPv4/IPv6 HIP E.164 URI/URN/URL DOI
9 / 27 The Need for HIP Dual functionalities of current IP address Topological locator Network interface identity Limited flexibility E.g. IP address renumbering, mobility, multi-homing
10 / 27 HIP: Host Identity Protocol Introduce Host Identity (HI) namespace Decouples the name and locator roles Public key system New HI layer Translates Host ID into IP address and vice versa
11 / 27 Pros and Cons of HIP Pros Solves mobility and multi-homing problem Security Cons The IP stack must be modified
12 / 27 Mobility support of HIP
13 / 27 Multi-homing support of HIP
14 / 27 Contents IPv4/IPv6 HIP E.164 URI/URN/URL DOI
15 / 27 E.164 E.164 provides the number structure and functionality for the following three categories of International Public Telecommunication numbers. Geographical Global Networks areas services ITU-T:ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector
16 / 27 E.164 Number for Geographical areas 1-3 digits (M) N digitsMax (15-M-N) digits CCNDCSN National (significant) number E.164 Number for geographical areas CC : Country Code NDC : National Destination Code SN : Subscriber Number
17 / 27 E.164 and the Internet Internet phone VoIP, Interworking Gateway E.164 in IPv6 address space (Patent:KT) ENUM
18 / 27 Contents IPv4/IPv6 HIP E.164 URI/URN/URL DOI
19 / 27 URI/URL/URN TermDefinition URI Unique identifier for online resources - Location - Identity URL Locator of online resources URN Unique identifier of online resources URC Metadata for information
20 / 27 URL and URN URL : Uniform Resource Locator “My copy of the book is on the lightstand in my bedroom.” scheme://authority/path?query URN : Uniform Resource Name “I read a neat book; it’s called Pragmatic Programmer.”
21 / 27 URN Syntax urn:nid:nss nid = Namespace Id nss = Namespace Specific String Examples urn:ietf:rfc:3187 urn:isbn:
22 / 27 URN Resolution URN Converter Web Server URN URC URL resource content
23 / 27 URN Properties Global scope Global uniqueness Persistence Scalability Legacy support Extensibility Independence
24 / 27 Contents IPv4/IPv6 HIP E.164 URI/URN/URL DOI
25 / 27 DOI Digital Object Identifier Name for an entity on digital networks doi:naming_authority/identifier Almost the same role with the URN
26 / 27 DOI and URN DOI Managed by International DOI Foundation (IDF) Fulfills all the functional requirements of URN, but not registered as a formal URN Internet draft : A spec for DOI as a URI URN IETF Standard: RFC Universal Contents Identifier (UCI): based on URN, 2003 NCA( 한국전산원 )
27 / 27 End of Presentation Q / A