1 RAPID RESPONSE NETWORKS Working with external agencies to protect heritage collections Colin Atkinson Flood Incident Management Team Leader.


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Presentation transcript:

1 RAPID RESPONSE NETWORKS Working with external agencies to protect heritage collections Colin Atkinson Flood Incident Management Team Leader

2 This presentation Flood Risk Management - The “Day Job” Incident Response – Flood Detection, Forecasting & Warning Information available to aid flood preparedness and resilience

3 Flood Risk Management Day to Day activities Flood Warning Service & multi agency flood response planning inc flood awareness activities. Provision of Flood Risk information to Local Authority Planners, Developers and members of the public Design & building of Flood defences Operation of Flood Defences Maintenance of Main River Channels

4 The Flood Warning Service

5 Models North East River Model Network Generates River Level Forecasts

6 Warning Systems Floodline Warnings Direct (FWD) Sirens Local news Media Supporting Community Wardens/volunteers Information Available Floodline Dial & Listen Service


8 Tell people to take action as flooding is imminent Raise vigilance in specific populations “it’s you at risk” take early action Stands threat level down and closes our communications with people Raise consciousness in general public of potential for flooding How the stages work Tell people to protect themselves as flooding poses serious risk to life


1010 Professional Partner Liaison – emergency planning

1 Hierarchy of Plans Strategic / Gold Tactical / Silver Multi-agency Plans – who, when, where, why Operational / Bronze Single-agency & Local Community plans - how

1212 Flood Incident Management

1313 Operational Activities Gates, Barriers, Pumping stations Repairing flood defences Pumping Temporary Defences