Valley Primary School Year 3 Meet the Teacher Care ~ Learn ~ Aim High Be honest ~ Work together Enjoy what we do Look after what we have Improve on our previous best
What this evening is about… To understand what is expected from your child in Year 3 and ways you can support them at home. To answer any questions that you may have.
A typical week in Year 3
From September 2015 pupils will no longer be given levels. Valley Primary will assess pupil progress using STAT Sheffield. During September we will be carrying out baseline assessments ready to share your child’s end of year targets with you at the October parent’s evening. There will be a meeting on Thursday 1 st October at 9am, 2.30pm and 6pm to explain about STAT Sheffield, how we as a school will be using it to assess pupils and how we will communicate this to parents. Any questions will be answered at the STAT Sheffield meeting. Curriculum Changes
Termly Letter You should have received a copy of this letter. This has information on what the children will be learning this term, the routines in Year 3 and the home learning.
Home Learning OVERVIEWDay setDay due inFeedback ReadingWe are awaiting an order of new books and will allocate to most children when they arrive. Books will be changed once a week. Teachers will collect the reading records on FRIDAY to review any comments and to sign the reading records. Times TablesWednesdayTested the following TuesdayScores to be written in reading record by the child. SpellingsFridayTested the following FridaySpelling sheets will be marked with the spelling score written on and sent home. My Maths/ Maths Worksheet FridayThe following FridayFeedback via returned work sheet or via ‘My Maths’. IPC taskAs arises during the topic. Children are normally given at least a week to complete the task given. Work commented on and added to IPC Learning Journals or displays.
Calculations Policy The Calculations Policy which shows the formal methods which will be taught to your child. This can be downloaded from the school website.
Reading The children read with the teacher once a week during their group guided reading session. There are lots of other opportunities for independent reading during the week. In addition, reading skills are developed through the daily Phonics/ Spelling/Grammar lessons and through whole class English lessons. KS2 – Reading Records and Expectations These need to be in school every day and will be checked and signed on a Friday.
Handwriting Please take a sheet which shows the Nelson Handwriting Scheme. The children can use this as a reference when they are writing at home.
IPC units – Overview for Year 3 AUTUMN 1AUTUMN 2 SPRING 1 & SPRING 2 SUMMER 1 SUMMER 2 BRAINWAVECHOCOLATEICT - DIGITAL GAMERS SCIENCE – FEEL THE FORCE ACTIVE PLANETSCIENCE – LET’S PLANT IT SCIENCE – HOW HUMANS WORK TREASURE There are 3 handouts available which give more information about IPC and the approach to learning.
Trips Chocolate Museum (AUT1) – £7 Natural History Museum (SPR2) - £11 TBC Treasure Activity (SUM2) - £10 Swimming - £56 All costs are approximate, based on last year.
PE The focus this year is for pupils to learn and develop the skills which they can apply across a range of different sporting opportunities. PE kit should be in school everyday and consist of navy blue shorts or tracksuit bottoms, a white round-necked t-shirt and plimsolls. Long hair should be tied back and stud earrings removed or covered. Pupils will be unable to borrow kit from other children this year. If they forget or do not have the correct kit, they will be given another role in the PE lesson and a note will be sent home. For Years 4, 5 and 6 only, if this occurs three times in a half term your child will attend a detention. As a school we are promoting Healthy Eating and encouraging pupils to eat healthy snacks. KS1 children have free fruit provided so do not need to bring any additional snacks. KS2 bring their own healthy snacks for break time.
School Uniform There is a Uniform Policy on the website. All children need to be wearing the correct Valley uniform in line with the policy. This includes PE kit. All school uniform and PE kit needs to be named!
Rewards GOLDEN RULES I will be polite, respectful and honest to everyone. I will take care of our school and everything in it. I will listen carefully and follow instructions from adults in the school. I will walk quietly and calmly when moving around the school. So that we can all… Feel safe and secure. Aim high with our learning and let everyone else do so too.
School Calendar All term dates and school related events can be found on the school’s website.
. Pupil Premium Even though all KS1 children are getting their school meals free, the school receives funding for all children who would be eligible for a free school meal. So please apply anyway (as if you were paying for them!) as the funding the school gets is used to provide additional support for children. Please see the admin team in the office for additional information.
Finally… If your child requires an inhaler this should be named and in school. If you have information to give on your child e.g. allergy, background information then please speak to the Class Teacher or Family Worker: Wendy Anderson, so that we can keep pupil profiles up-to-date (Nuts). Please see the termly letter for other routines.