PRACTICE TEACHING CONTACTS 1.Your Faculty Advisor 2.Practice Teaching Placement Officer: Ursula Boyer OR Darryl Papke Faculty of Education,
PRACTICE TEACHING COURSE Primary/Junior – EDUC 4684 Junior/Intermediate – EDUC 4694 Intermediate/Senior – EDUC 4355 Class hours/workshops 12 weeks of practicum
Practice Teaching Course is PASS OR FAIL Students must pass the course in order to: Receive BEd Degree Be recommended to the Ontario College of Teachers Retain credit for academic courses taken
PRACTICE TEACHING CLASSES WEEK OF: Sept. 13 – Library Session Sept. 20 – Practice Teaching – U. Boyer/D. Papke Sept. 27 – iTeach – J. Kmiec/M. Costello Oct. 4 – Practice Teaching – Dr. C. Richardson Nov. 1 – Resume Writing – L. Gagne Nov. 8 – Job Search – L. Gagne
PRACTICE TEACHING CLASS SEPTEMBER 20 – SEPTEMBER 23, 2010 Arrangement of placements Faculty Advisor Evaluations ADVISORY MEETING – SEPTEMBER 24, :30 – 3:30 PM
WORKSHOPS FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1 – 12:30-4:30 Federation Workshops (ETFO, OECTA, OSSTF) FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12 Ontario College of Teachers 11:30 a.m. – J/I 1:30 p.m. – I/S 3:30 p.m. – P/J
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 15 OSSTF (Ontario Secondary Teachers’ Federation) 2:30 p.m. – I/S 4:30 p.m. – J/I TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 16 QECO (Qualifications Evaluation Council of Ontario) 9:00 a.m. – P/J 12:30 p.m. – I/S 2:30 p.m. – J/I FRIDAY, JANUARY 28 12:30 School Board Information Fair
Please direct your attention to #5
5. Student teaching is expensive and you are responsible for making your own arrangements regarding transportation and living accommodations. You should take into consideration that travel time is necessary and you can expect that a long commute (an hour or more) to your placement is not unreasonable. In some cases, you may be required to travel to a placement that is not accessible by public transportation. In these cases, you will be required to make your own arrangements regarding transportation.
Now, please direct your attention to #6
6. The Practicum Registration Forms, completed by candidates as part of the pre-registration procedures, serve only as a guideline for allocation. Candidates MUST NOT undertake negotiations with a school board, individual schools, or teachers to arrange placements. In addition, the candidate cannot make demands of the Practice Teaching Office with respect to a specific placement by requesting a particular school, teacher or grade/subject.
Board Choice Form We strongly recommend that you research the hiring practices of school boards. It could have an impact on how you choose your school boards.
POLICE BACKGROUND CHECK and WORK/EDUCATION PLACEMENT AGREEMENT All students are required to have a Police Background Check (PBC) completed prior to placement. PBC must include a VULNERABLE SECTOR SCREENING. Work/Education placement agreement form to be completed and signed by principal – return to Practice Teaching Office within first week of placement.
2010 AUG. 30-SEPT. 03Orientation/Classes SEPT Classes ( Labour Day Sept. 6 ) SEPT Classes at Nipissing University SEPT Classes at Nipissing University SEPT. 27-OCT. 01Classes at Nipissing University OCT Classes at Nipissing University OCT PRACTICE TEACHING WEEK 1 (Thanksgiving Oct. 11) OCT PRACTICE TEACHING WEEK 2 OCT PRACTICE TEACHING WEEK 3 NOV Classes at Nipissing University NOV Classes at Nipissing University NOV Classes at Nipissing University NOV Classes at Nipissing University NOV. 29-DEC. 03PRACTICE TEACHING WEEK 4 DEC PRACTICE TEACHING WEEK 5 DEC PRACTICE TEACHING WEEK 6 DEC. 20Break Begins Fall Block FALL PLACEMENT BLOCK
2011 JAN Classes (Jan.3 Holiday) JAN Classes at Nipissing University JAN Classes at Nipissing University JAN Classes at Nipissing University JAN. 31-FEB. 04Classes at Nipissing University FEB PRACTICE TEACHING WEEK 7 FEB PRACTICE TEACHING WEEK 8 FEB PRACTICE TEACHING WEEK 9 FEB. 28-MAR. 04PRACTICE TEACHING WEEK 10 MAR PRACTICE TEACHING WEEK 11 MAR * Study Week MAR PRACTICE TEACHING WEEK 12 MAR. 28-APR. 01Classes at Nipissing University APR Classes at Nipissing University APR Classes at Nipissing University APR Classes at Nipissing University (Good Friday Apr. 22) APR Classes at Nipissing University (Easter Monday Apr. 25) WINTER PLACEMENT BLOCK Winter Block Option Courses: Native Education Outdoor Education Kindergarten Other: International *Alternative placements are three weeks
EXAMPLE PRACTICE TEACHING PLACEMENT Junior/Intermediate student – NO OPTIONS: Fall Block – Grade 7/8 Winter Block – Grade 4-6
Junior/Intermediate student – WITH OPTIONS: Fall Block – Grade 7/8 Winter Block – Feb International Feb 28- March 25 Grade EXAMPLE PRACTICE TEACHING PLACEMENT
The Associate Teacher Kit contains: General Practice Teaching Information for the Associate Teacher Practice Teaching Calendar Payment Information Associate Teacher Tuition Credit Program Information Associate Teacher Additional Qualifications Course Practice Teaching Reports (CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION) Graded Practice Teaching Report (Oct ) – due November 5 th Graded Practice Teaching Report (Nov. 29-Dec. 17) – due January 7 th Practice Teaching Handbook ASSOCIATE TEACHER’S KIT
SUBJECT MATTER FOR STUDENT LESSONS PRIMARY/JUNIOR Faculty of Education students who are in the primary/junior division study subject areas according to the following schedule: Language Arts and Math are studied throughout the year. Science, Music, Visual Art, Social Studies and Physical Education and Health are studied either semester one or two.
SUBJECT MATTER FOR STUDENT LESSONS JUNIOR/INTERMEDIATE Faculty of Education students who are in the junior/intermediate division study subject areas according to the following schedule: Language Arts is studied throughout the year. Math, Science, Music, Visual Art, Social Studies and Physical Education and Health are studied either semester one or two.
INTERMEDIATE/SENIOR Faculty of Education students who are in the intermediate/senior division take two electives all year and have exposure to teaching methodology in a few subjects other than their teaching subjects. SUBJECT MATTER FOR STUDENT LESSONS
WHEN WILL I RECEIVE MY EVALUATION? Associate Teacher mails or s your report to the Practice Teaching Office Report is reviewed and entered into the database as being “received” Report is sent for copying, which can take up to 1 week due to volume Report will be placed in your section mailbox once processed PLEASE BE PATIENT If your Associate Teacher gives the report directly to you, YOU MUST bring it to the PT Office (F201)
QUESTIONS? Direct practice teaching questions to: - Faculty Advisor - Practice Teaching Officer
ANNOUNCEMENTS Nipissing University student Section mailbox Bulletin board outside Schulich School of Education (F201)
Have a great day! Thank you for your attention.