FERMA Risk Management Benchmarking Survey 2014
SURVEY OBJECTIVES The FERMA Risk Management Benchmarking Survey 2014 is seeking to Benchmark the risk management practices in Europe Provide a tangible basis for reporting to senior management Track trends over time Set up a tool to serve as basis of current relevant knowledge. To be the referenced survey developed by risk managers for risk managers in Europe BUT ALSO…
SURVEY OBJECTIVES PART 1 Reinforce the understanding the positioning of the risk and insurance management role Support the development of the risk and insurance management function PART 2 Identify the main priorities at FERMA to support members and risk and insurance management function PART 3 Compare and position their organization’s insurance program against a peer group to support and improve decision making
SURVEY BENEFITS Results will be an internal tool for Risk Managers to convey ideas and/or to promote actions. It provides members with a clear view on risk and insurance management not only in their own country, but also to benchmark themselves against other countries. At Seminar in Brussels (20 & 21 October 2014): presentation of the results and discussion with peers A written report will be issued to all participants
STRUCTURE OF THE QUESTIONNAIRE 2014 PART 1: PROFESSIONAL INSIGHT AND RISK MANAGEMENT PRACTICES Benchmarking of risk governance (reporting tools and practices; roles and responsibilities of the risk and insurance professionals: competences; skills; scope of the risk management activity vs Internal Audit vs Internal Control; key players in the company; etc.) Benchmarking of reporting lines and status (remuneration barometer; organizational aspects; governance; etc.) Benchmarking of budget, number of headcounts, specific IT solutions, etc. Education and professional background of EU risk managers; Communication to promote the function and report on risk and on the benefits of RM activity for the company/ Continuous training activities regarding new and emerging risk and new RM technics and tools.
PART 2: EUROPEAN MAP OF RISKS AND RISK PRIORITIES AND TRIGGERS Benchmarking of critical risks at EU level (so called “FERMA Top 10 Risks”) Identification of emerging risks Identification of 2014 EU challenges /EU hot issues, FERMA lobbying activity: mandatory financial security, cybersecurity, Solvency II, etc. Effectiveness of risk management system to mitigate risks identified; ERM programs implementation; specific programs for specific risks; etc. STRUCTURE OF THE QUESTIONNAIRE 2014
PART 3: INSURANCE : EVOLUTION OF THE INSURANCE MARKET AND RISK MANAGERS’ EXPECTATIONS Benchmarking of prices (premiums and broker remuneration) Loss records (and uninsured losses)/ claims handling process Identification of new products Performance of the insurance market Risks related to mergers & Acquisitions, Runoffs issues, STRUCTURE OF THE QUESTIONNAIRE 2014
KEY DATES 17 March 2014 LAUNCH OF THE SURVEY 2014 (invitation sent by to all members) The questionnaire will be available in English, French, Italian, Spanish, German and Polish. Please do not hesitate to inform your risk and insurance manager colleagues about this survey. If they are interested in participating, please send their name, company, country and address to Christel Jaumoulle at and they will receive a separate personal link by May 2014CLOSING OF THE SURVEY 20 & 21 October 2014 FERMA Risk Management Seminar 2014 in Brussels Presentation of the results
Reasons to join FERMA in Brussels Meet 350 risk professionals from across Europe. FREE REGISTRATIONS for risk & insurance managers of FERMA Discuss common issues with colleagues from your own industry. Interactive sessions with EU stakeholders Discover the latest results of the 2014 Benchmarking Survey Come back with fresh ideas for adding value to your business! Don’t miss FERMA 40 th Anniversary Registrations opens April 2014