Introduction to Event Management
What is event.? Introduction to event management Various types of events Current trends in event management Lecture Outline
An organized occasion such as a meeting, convention, exhibition, special event, gala dinner, etc. An event is often composed of several different yet related functions. Event
Requires skills in time management, communication, and problem solving Organization's Mission Statement Meeting / Event Objectives Introduction to Event Management
Holiday parties Annual dinners Company picnics Meetings Sales training Conventions Corporate Events
Marketplace of ancient days Community event Fair (not for profit) Festivals
Wedding Anniversary Birthday Reunion Social Events
The Hajj Papal inauguration Easter Kwanzaa Religious Events
Civic events Centennials Founder's Day Special Events
Olympics America's Cup Hands Across America World's Fairs World Cup T20 Wimbeldon Mega Events
Long-range promotional event Store opening New product rollout Retail Events
Super Bowl World Cup Yacht races Sporting Events (Occurring Infrequently)
Are called: Planner or meeting planner or corporate planner Event planner Destination management Event professionals Those Who Work in Event Management
Growing globalization Growing concerns of safety and security Multiple generations are now attending meetings Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Current Trends in Event Management
Until recently, no common set of KSA's (Knowledge, Skills and Abilities) 2011—Meetings and Business Events Competency Standards (MBECS) Evolution of the Event Industry
1. Strategic Planning 2. Project Management 3. Risk Management 4. Financial Management 5. Administration 6. Human Resources Events Divided into Twelve Domains of KSA's
7. Stakeholder Management 8. Meeting or Event Design 9. Site Management 10. Marketing 11. Professionalism 12. Communications Events Divided into Twelve Domains of KSA's
Bibliography Principles of Advertising & IMC by Tom Duncan 2 nd Edition, Published by McGraw-Hill Irwin. Event Management For Tourism, Cultural, Business and Sporting Events by Lynn Van Der Wagen Brenda R. Carlos Published by Pearson Prentice Hall. Advertising Principles and Practice by W. Wells, S. Moriarty and J. Burnett, Published by Prentice Hall International. Integrated Marketing Communications by David Pickton & Amanda Broderick Published by Prentice Hall.
The End: “ Luck is a dividend of sweat. The more you sweat, the luckier you get. ”