SCP / Sps / REACH Objective : Safe use of chemicals
SCP / Sps / SynChem Plus = the Service unit of the VNCI, the Dutch Chemical Industry Association Hans Spaans – Senior Consultant Environment, Energy, Regulatory issues; Business Intellegence Specific REACH support through ReachCentrum NL
SCP / Sps / A safe use should be the result of the whole REACH operation A safe use of chemicals is the responsibility of the supply chain
SCP / Sps / To ensure safe use the following is needed : Substance properties Substance properties Information on use Information on use Safety risk analysis Safety risk analysis Defining protective measures Defining protective measures Safety information Safety information Communication between parties Communication between parties
SCP / Sps / Manufacturers and downstream users in the supply chain are responsible Manufacturers : Registration of all chemicals placed on the market Registration of all chemicals placed on the market No data → no registration → no market No data → no registration → no market Manufactures and down stream users : Communication on uses (use not identified = Communication on uses (use not identified = no registration) and safety measures no registration) and safety measures
SCP / Sps / Registration Product properties Product properties Identified uses Identified uses Exposure scenarios Exposure scenarios Chemical safety analysis Chemical safety analysis Chemical safety report ; Chemical safety report ; risks and safety measures → risks and safety measures → how to ensure safe use how to ensure safe use
SCP / Sps / CSA / CSR annex I art. 0.7 Description of exposure scenarios recommended by the manufacturer to be implemented for the identified use Set of conditions describing the use, operational conditions and risk management measures recommended for downstream users
SCP / Sps / Communication on uses and safety Title IV/V art Uses – up and downstream to include relevant use information in the registration dossier → exposure scenarios Safety – SDS for information and communication in the supply chain
SCP / Sps / Article 31 The supplier of a substance or preparation shall provide the recipient of the substance or preparation with a Safety Data Sheet compiled in accordance with Annex II
SCP / Sps / Safety data Sheets substance identification and/or substance identification and/or composition and information on composition and information on ingredients ingredients physical and chemical properties physical and chemical properties stability and reactivity stability and reactivity hazard identification ; toxicological hazard identification ; toxicological and ecological information and ecological information
SCP / Sps / exposure control and personal exposure control and personal protection ; first aid measures protection ; first aid measures handling and storage ; disposal handling and storage ; disposal considerations ; transport considerations ; transport information ; fire fighting measures information ; fire fighting measures regulatory information regulatory information any other relevant information any other relevant information
SCP / Sps / Exposure control (annex II 8.2) For the purpose of this document exposure control means the full range of specific management measures to be taken in order to minimise worker and environmental exposure
SCP / Sps / Occupational exposure control (annex II 8.2.1) design of appropriate work processes, design of appropriate work processes, use of adequate equipment and use of adequate equipment and materials materials application of collective protection application of collective protection measures at source (adequate measures at source (adequate ventilation, appropriate organisation) ventilation, appropriate organisation) if exposure cannot be prevented : if exposure cannot be prevented : personal protection equipment personal protection equipment
SCP / Sps / Summary Reach is quit clear on what has Reach is quit clear on what has to be done to be done It is up to the supply chain to It is up to the supply chain to work out a practical and work out a practical and effective approach effective approach