Vocabulary dominiondominion labour unionslabour unions social disparitysocial disparity suffragesuffrage sweatshopsweatshop A nation with its own governmentA nation with its own government Having the right to vote in political electionsHaving the right to vote in political elections A word used to describe the worst kind of garment factoriesA word used to describe the worst kind of garment factories When some groups in society have many opportunities and others have fewWhen some groups in society have many opportunities and others have few An organization of workers that protects its members’ rights by taking action on issues such as wages and working conditionsAn organization of workers that protects its members’ rights by taking action on issues such as wages and working conditions
The Industrial Revolution 1.List the three big changes of the Industrial Revolution 1.New ways of working 2.New building materials 3.New sources of power
The Industrial Revolution 2. List two inventions of the Industrial Revolution that you learned about in class –Hydroelectricity –Steam engine –Internal combustion engine –Steel –Telegram –Telephone –Wireless radio –Airplanes –Etc.
Workers Unite 1.Workers were uniting against their employers because Industrialization resulted in low wages and poor working conditions. TrueFalse
Workers Unite 2. A labour union is an organization of workers that protects its members’ rights by taking action on issues TrueFalse
Workers Unite 3. Most resource industry workers (loggers for example) lived in company towns. The company set wages, rental rates, and prices. This meant workers often couldn’t afford to pay for things and had to use credit. TrueFalse
Workers Unite 4. In the early 20 th century, there were lots of benefits such as health insurance or holiday or overtime pay. Wages were quite high for the time. TrueFalse
Workers Unite 5. For “office girls” (women who worked in offices) there were high rates of pay and lots of respect, but the work was dangerous. TrueFalse
Women’s Rights 1. What groups of people made up the new middle class? –Families of business people and professionals –Families of factory workers –Families of the elite
Women’s Rights 2. What were some of the restrictions placed on women voters? –There were no restrictions –Property qualifications and some minority women could not vote –Property qualifications and they had to be stay at home moms
Women’s Rights 3. Why were the Prairie Provinces the first to grant women the right to vote? –Women shared in the homesteading equally so should get the vote –Because they were mostly immigrant families –The Canadian government told the Provincial governments they had to
Women’s Rights 4. What impact did the war have on women voters? –Women could no longer vote –Women involved in the war effort were given the right to vote under two Acts –All women were granted the right to vote because of the war
Women’s Rights 5. What are some of the achievements of the NCWC? –Daycare, free libraries, milk programs –Newspapers, websites, blogs –Stay-at-home moms, cooking shows, allergy testing