UMBC PBL Height Study Chris Wilson, Ruben Delgado, W. Wallace McMillan, Ray Hoff
Overview Description of the Problem Boundary layer depth! Instruments and measurement techniques (LIDAR, BBAERI) Preliminary results
The diurnal evolution of the atmospheric boundary layer over land (from Wyngaard, 1992)
BBAERI vs. ELF Expected collapse of PBL after sunset seen by both instruments B.L. top Residual Layer B.L. Top
AERI A tmospheric E mitted R adiance I nterferometer Measures downwelling IR radiation spectra (3 – 18 μm) passively 1 cm -1 Resolution H2OH2O H2OH2O CO 2 O3O3 CO
AERI T/q Statistical regression (training sondes) Spectra, surface, RUC “Onion Peel” Physical Retrieval T(p), q(p), theta(p), RH(p) * From Smith ET AL **
Covariance Wavelet Technique Covariance transform defined by Gamage and Hagelberg (1993): zt and zb are the top and bottom altitudes in the lidar backscatter profile f(z)is the lidar backscatter profile as a function of altitude, z a -1 is the normalization factor Haar function z=vertical distance in this application a=spatial extent dilation of the function b=center of Haar function- translation of the function
PBL Determination: Compute convolution of the backscatter profile, f(z), and the Haar function. Taking a lidar backscattering profile, calculate a local minimum in W (a,b) using a scale of a located at z = b This process is repeated for all individual lidar backscatter profiles to create a time series of boundary locations.
The key of the wavelet analysis is the selection of an appropriate dilation (vertical scale).
BBAERI Height Methods Gradient in Virtual Potential Temperature Temperature Inversion Parcel Method Minimum gradient in q (water vapor mixing ratio)
Inversion Parcel Method VPT Gradient
Minimum in gradient of q
Height (meters) Time (GMT)
Height (meters) Time (GMT)
Final Remarks Sonde measurements are needed Many more days are needed to create robust statistics BBAERI water vapor product may be to coarse to accurately measure PBL height
Height (meters) Time (GMT)