Literacy I can recall main info, know where to look for it, make inferences linked to evidence, show awareness of characters’ intentions, adapt speech.


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Presentation transcript:

Literacy I can recall main info, know where to look for it, make inferences linked to evidence, show awareness of characters’ intentions, adapt speech and gestures, connect ideas – L2 I can identify the main purpose, make comments about organisation, understand obvious points, use connectives, adapt talk & gestures – L3 I can summarise the main points, give relevant details, choices of movement, use subordinating connectives e.g. if, when, because, summarise the character – L4 I can identify most relevant points at diff places in text, explain inferences, explain how write has organised text, explain a form of writing has been chosen, wide range of connectives, well chosen speech - L5 History I can ask questions and find answers, use internet, recognise my life is different, place events in order on a time line, describe Victorians, use specific vocab – L2 I can use evidence to answer questions about the past using various sources, identify some of the different ways in which the past has been represented, use dates and other historical vocab, describe the main events and people in that period – L3 I can find answers to historical questions, using information as evidence, identify change and continuity, describe main events, people and periods I’ve studied, describe characteristic features of past societies – L4 I can ask my own questions, investigate historical problems and issues, evaluate sources to gain evidence for particular enquiries, recognise and describe change, describe events, people and some features of the past, select information and use historical vocab to support my work – L5 ICT I can use the back button, click on links - L1/2 I can discuss what I see with an adult – L1 I can do a more refined search – L3 I can do an effective search using “ “ – L4 I can question the reliability of information – L5 I have added to a wiki – L3 Topic Victorian Emporium Term Spring weeks DT I can assemble, join and combine materials and components to make a functional product, select appropriate tools, techniques and materials explaining my choice, I use models, pictures, and words to describe my design, recognise what I have done well and what I can improve – L2 I can choose tools, equipment, components and techniques to make a functional product, make plans to order my work, use words, labelled sketches to show my design, reflect on my design, process and product and make some improvements – L3 I can use ideas from others’ designs to inform my work, produce a step-by-step plan, selects tools and equipment, with accuracy work with materials and components, give attention to finish and function, use words, labels and sketches to show my model, identify what works well and reflect on my design – L4 P.E. I can talk about the differences between my own and others’ performances, say what I have done well and why, identify what I can improve, know how to exercise safely by looking for space, I move with control, co-ordination, put two or more actions together to make a sequence, balance on different points of my body, swim up to 20 metres using my arms and legs, use one basic stroke to swim and use floats – L2 I can work safely, discuss how my work is similar and different to others’, use this to improve my performance; my body is balanced, my shapes are controlled, plan, perform and repeat sequences include speed and level – L3 I can compare and comment on skills, techniques and ideas, use this to improve my performance; explain and apply basic safety, I am controlled and skilful in my actions and movements, make complex sequences that include changes in direction, speed and level, combine actions, shapes and balances in my performances, movements are clear, accurate and consistent, perform to an audience, swim between 50 and 100 metres, use breast front crawl and back stroke confidently – L4 I can analyse and comment on skills and techniques, modify and refine my skills to improve, use my senses to assess risks and adapt my plans accordingly, show precision, control and fluency, practise and perform with control, control balances, shapes, levels and actions, swim over 100metres, swim fluently – L5

Science I can use simple texts to find information with help, make observations using simple equipment, record findings, say whether what happened is what I expected – L2 I can put forward my own ideas about how to investigate, use texts to find information, make observations using a range of equipment, record findings in a variety of ways, carry out fair tests, communicate what I have found out, give explanations for observations and suggest improvements in my work – L3 I can select suitable equipment, make a series of observations varying one factor, record my observations, conclude my work with scientific vocab and suggest improvements to my work – L4 I can decide appropriate approaches to a range of tasks, including selecting sources of information and apparatus, analyse findings to draw conclusions, use scientific vocab and evaluate my working methods to make improvements –L5 Understanding the Arts – art and drama I can explore printing methods, show control in the methods, my artwork shows my ideas, explore playing in role, act in role with my character’s thoughts and opinions, keep a storyline and my character throughout – L2 I can explore ideas in different ways, investigate materials and methods of printing, I create and develop a role for a situation, I ‘become’ a character, acting as the character would – L3 I can investigate and develop a range of printing skills, use the materials to design and make a picture, I explore characters from different times, work with others to create drama, I research a role when I play it, I know what my character would do and say – L4 I can experiment with a range of printing techniques, take some creative risks with my work, adapt and refine my ideas, I initiate ideas and work with a group to create a performance, work with others to create and refine my character – L5