WELCOME TO 4 TH GRADE OPEN HOUSE Classroom Teachers: Ms. Janelle Clasquin, Mrs. Susan Gottlieb, Mrs. Julie Otey, and Ms. Traci Ruder SSD Staff: Mrs. Caren Lochman (DHH), Mrs. Mickey Schuchardt (DHH), Mrs. Julie Peraud (DHH), Mrs. Katie Graham, Mrs. Tracy Model, and Ms. Carrie Overstreet
OUR LEARNING COMMUNITY Life in the pod takes cooperation and flexibility on everyone’s part, but we believe that our “team approach” to teaching and learning is beneficial to all kids. Throughout the year, we will plan special activities to build community as well as celebrate our learning.
EXPECTATIONS Reflection Sheet Reflection Sheet Office Referral Form Office Referral Form “Star Bucks” “Star Bucks” Missing Assignment Sheet Missing Assignment Sheet
HOME-SCHOOL COMMUNICATION Assignment Book (sign nightly, look for notes) Weekly Update Weekly Update 4 th Grade Website 4 th Grade Website 4 th Grade News 4 th Grade News Parent-Teacher Conferences (November 15, 2012 and March 7, 2013)
SPECIAL NOTES Specials: Music, Art, P.E. P.E. is every other day Rotation schedule: 2:15-2:45 Health Enrichment Strings Flexible Library time (Mondays and Fridays) Birthday Celebrations Parent Volunteer Sign-Up Parent/Student Handbook Arrival/Dismissal (no coming in before/after school) Your Child’s Safety – Signing into office After the pledge is tardy Wellness Break Change in going home
DAILY SCHEDULE/CURRICULUM Smart Start Science/Social Studies Specials Read Aloud/Community Word Study Writing Lunch Wellness Math Rotation Pack Up Reading
SPECIAL EVENTS AND FIELD TRIPS Symphony (Thursday, February 21, 2013) Pioneer Day (Spring 2013) St. Charles (Spring 2013) Missouri Studies Project (April 18, 2013) Orchestra and Choir Concert (May 8, 2013) Government Day
PLEASE DON’T FORGET TO... Sign up to be a volunteer. The sign-up sheets are located in each classroom. There are field trip volunteers needed as well as classroom helpers. Your help is greatly appreciated!
REMINDERS: Birthday invitations P.E. shoes Parents can sign-up for Parent-Teacher Conferences in the Café. Please turn in $5.00 for classroom party money for the year Late start days are the 1 st Wednesday of every month, except for January PTO will be advertising Spirit wear, looking for volunteers, buzz books, etc. in the café Don’t forget to sign up for conferences in the café!
Thank you so much for attending open house. WE firmly believe that teaching children is a team approach that includes both parents, teachers, and Students!