Camera Operator and Grips
Salary Camera Operator Average- $29,229 Can go up to- $67,500 Grip Average-$19.71 Can go up to$ 23.83
Education requirements Camera Operator Post secondary school for two years Cost up to $5000 a year Grips No specific education, carpentry and rigging skills would be helpful seeing as the work is of physical nature Requires hands on work, and working in high places
Common Career paths Camera Operator May go into freelancing To produce in-house programs Grip Starts off as part of the basic crew, Then works up through various grip levels to grip boss.
Production Camera Operator’s and grips only work in the production stage.
Best suited for job Camera Operator excellent motor co-ordination good vision and hearing stamina interest in electronic technology Grip Patient people that don’t mind taking orders Doesn’t mind doing the not so fun work
Examples Camera Operator Apocalypse now, Schindler’s list, and Brave heart Grip The grip position is done well in most movies, It is not common to see cords on set therefore the grip is doing his job.
What goes wrong Camera Operator Could trip over wire or piece of set Mess up shot Grip Wires tangling Tripping over wires Numerous retakes
Equipment/technology Camera Operator Dollies for transporting supplies camera cranes video camera’s for filming purposes Grip Walkie talkie Razor knife Tape measurer Adjustable wrench Multitool hammer