Aesthetics Imitationalism Emotionalism Formalism
Elements of Art Line Shape/Form Space Color Texture Value
Principles of Design Balance Proportion Emphasis Rhythm Pattern Harmony/unity
Sculptures that showcase Elements of Art & Principles of Design
A sculptural solution to reviewing Art I concepts definitions.html definitions.html
Damon Hyldreth Flowing Rhythm & space
Geometric shape and regular rhythm
Color & flowing rhythm
Texture & shape
George W Hart re.html Line, shape, space, & symmetrical
Line, shape, random rhythm and space
Space, color, shape, form, line, asymmetrical & scale
Peter Jansen g-moving-sculpture.html Rhythm, asymmetrical, movement & scale
Movement, progressive rhythm & value
Yvonne Pacanovsky Bobrowicz Texture, scale, symmetrical & line
Space, shape, form & random rhythm
Paper as Sculptural Medium: -sculpture/ -sculpture/
Exercise 1 Manipulate the shredded paper using at least 4 different techniques Manipulate the flat paper using at least 4 different techniques Manipulate a paper source of your choice using at least 2 different techniques
Problem to solve How can you create a sculpture that showcases each Element of Art & each Principle of Art in a cohesive manner utilizing only paper, glue, and/or clear tape?
Requirements *Line types: Horizontal, Vertical, Diagonal, Zig-Zag, Curving and Implied *Shape: Geometric and organic *Space: Positive and Negative *Texture: Actual and visual *Value: blended, stippling, hatching, and cross-hatching *Color: Monochromatic, Analagous, Complementary, and Split- complementary *Balance: Use either symmetrical, asymmetrical or radial symmetry *Harmony/Unity: THE WHOLE ARTWORK MUST HAVE HARMONY/UNITY! *Emphasis: a clearly defined focal point *Creative, original pattern *Rhythm: regular, random, alternating, flowing, and progressive *Proportion: Regular, exaggerated, and distorted *Must use a variety of manipulation techniques for paper *Must be free-standing *Must attach to a base that is cohesive to artwork *Must be at least 24 inches in height
Resources ve%2fnegative+space+in+designs&view=detail &id=D474EC154F E1B4309C89F6DF E09CE3A&first=1