Master Minds By: Current 4 th graders
4 th grade MasterMinds Mega Awesome Super Terrific Exciting Regularly entertaining Mostly amazing Intelligent Never dumb Diligent Successful
Mrs. Lorenz ♂ Mrs. Lorenz has two kids. She loves pink and red. She loves to read. Her favorite book series is Harry Potter. She loves M&MS. She likes the name Fred. She does NOT like repetitive noises. You will love her as much as we did. ☻☺
Mrs. Pinter ♂ Mrs. Pinter has 6 kids. Her favorite color is blue. She is a person who hates fish. One of her favorite types of candy is M&MS. She has many, great, funny stories of her childhood and teenage life. She loves writing stories. She does NOT like repetitive noises. Her favorite book series are Lemony Snicket and Harry Potter. ☻☺
Why You Want These Teachers Mrs. Pinter and Mrs. Lorenz are awesome teachers. They are super funny, and barely get mad. Mrs. Pinter and Mrs. Lorenz don’t give a lot of homework. These teachers teach you everything you need to know for fourth grade.
Cubbies :*) In the Mastermind's group of wonderfully talented students, you don’t store your work inside your desk. You will be given a cubby. You will have a cubby in both Mrs. Lorenz’s and Mrs. Pinter’s rooms. Your cubby has to be clean or Mrs. Lorenz will have a meltdown. In the desks are supplies. Not everything goes in your cubby, many items go in your buddy!
Buddies Where to find them: Staples, Office Depot, Walmart What’s best: Plastic, edged with fabrics, multiple pockets and sturdy handles They store all of your papers, homework, workbooks, and other items you need each day!
Read Aloud Our favorite read aloud would have to be, The Archer Family Trilogy. Next year, you will read these awesome books too. Mrs. Lorenz will do the read aloud. She loves to read aloud. Mrs. Lorenz, always reads with emotion. She reads a lot of really good books. You will love the read aloud.
Library Both classes have libraries. You can only check out one book at a time.There are cards in the back or front of the books, and there is a box with your name on the cards. You must place the card from the book you choose and place it behind your card. There is a large variety of different books. Some of the series include Harry Potter, 39 clues, Ice fire, Septimus Heap, Doll People, and Magic Thief. Since Mrs. Lorenz and Mrs. Pinter have libraries you will NEVER have to go to the school library again.
Be a role model! They: Are quiet in the hall Listen to the teachers When given instructions, they don’t move! Are helpful to others Are respectful to others Work hard Don’t bully
Have Fun! These are some ways to have fun: Be happy Play Make new friends Try something new Get great grades READ, READ, AND READ!!
Turn your work in on time In the MasterMinds class you NEED to turn your work in on time because there is a lot of work. The work is very important. If you don’t complete your work on time it will build up and you will be unorganized. Here are some important things that you can do. Get a buddy and label the sections. Try not to lose your work. If you don’t finish your work do it for homework.
Listen, Learn, Leadership Your most helpful words for fourth grade. Everything you will need to know are in those three words. Now lets talk about them. Listen, you need to listen to your teachers during lessons so you will have a head full of knowledge. Learn, you need to Learn, so you will be ready for the CRCT at the end of the year. You need to be a leader because being a leader is all of the hot topic at this school! I hope this helped you! And I promise you will remember everything like a lightning zap! Listen, Learn, Leadership Your most helpful words for fourth grade. Everything you will need to know are in those three words. Now lets talk about them. Listen, you need to listen to your teachers during lessons so you will have a head full of knowledge. Learn, you need to Learn, so you will be ready for the CRCT at the end of the year. You need to be a leader because being a leader is all of the hot topic at this school! I hope this helped you! And I promise you will remember everything like a lightning zap!
Respect Others In the MasterMinds you need to respect others. These are some things you need to consider: Stop doing something to someone if they ask you to. Do not interrupt others. Do not insult others. Respect others. Do not hurt others. You should always try to do what these say Help others if needed.
You are going to have to be prepared to take a lot of tests in social studies. Some of them are fun. You learn about Native Americans, the Revolutionary War, explorers, the 13 colonies, the Alamo, and the Louisiana Purchase. You have to memorize a lot of people. There are a lot of Johns! If you don’t fill out your study guides you will really fall behind!
Writing!!!!!!!!!! In writing,the MasterMinds do choice writing. You will have a writer’s notebook, with a cover that you will have the choice to decorate. She likes to read cool picture books to help you write. You will practice informational, persuasive, and narrative writing. Mrs. Pinter will teach writing and is sure to make it fun. WRITING RULES- HAVE FUN!!!!
Reading Slide by Alyssa In reading, you do a lot of power points. In ACC reading you learn about Patricia Pollaco. You read books on her too!!!! You learn about all different types of poetry, for instance acrostic, cinquain, alphabet alliteration, and,more!!!!!! You will do the buzzers also!!!! After you make the power points you can make it into a movie!!!! I promise you will have a blast!!!!!!!! Reading In reading you get to choose the books you read. Mrs. Lorenz will challenge you to read harder books, and she will also expect you to be able to discuss what you have read. Writing responses and creating projects based on what you read is something you will do in reading class!
Develop Good Study Habits In the MasterMinds class you need to develop good study habits. You will need them in all of fourth grade actually. There will be a lot of tests that you’ll need to study for. Everyone has different ways to study. If you don’t have a way to study then you need to find one. Here are some different ideas. - use flash cards - use the masterminds website - read over textbook or given study guide - make a fun studying game These are some different study skills that I use that are easy and effective.
Read More In the fourth grade you will need to read a lot! We are always reading books and writing responses. Books are also very interesting and make you smarter. Read different Genres Try to finish the whole book you are reading You should always try to be reading a book. They are very important in the fourth grade!
Homework Always do your homework You should schedule your homework
Technology The MasterMinds are technology wizards! They use the clicker systems, Smart Boards, computer labs and they do it for every curriculum area!
Use the MasterMind website Check out the website for study tools and suggestions. Learn more about your teachers there, and make it a favorites on your computer.
Conclusion The MasterMinds 3 rd Generation wish the 4 th Generation an awesome year and a restful summer!