R&D – a perspective Dr Nana Theodorou Research Coordinator Sheffield Clinical Research Office
Research Governance Framework R&D: role and support 2
Outlines principles of good governance that apply to all research in health and social care organisations, to ensure that all research is conducted to high scientific & ethical standards arch-governance-framework-for-health-and-social- care-second-edition arch-governance-framework-for-health-and-social- care-second-edition. 3
4 Issued in 2001 Implemented 2003 Revised edition published in 2005 to include the EU Directive on Clinical Trials guidance Currently under review
Safeguard participants in research Protect researchers/investigators (by providing a clear framework to work within) Enhance ethical and scientific quality Minimise risk Monitor practice and performance Promote good practice and ensure lessons are learned 5
6 Research Governance Framework comprises: Human Tissue Act (HTA) National Research Ethics Service (NRES) Mental Capacity Act (MCA) Data Protection Act Medicines for Human Use Regulations (MHRA) The Ionising Radiations Regulations
7 Study registration At Grant stage Pre-Authorisation Post-Authorisation Education and training 7
8 Type of study Student/staff Lead/participating site Clinical trial (drug/medical device) Data only/Tissue bank Chief/Principal Investigators Sponsor Commercial Academic/NHS 8
9 Identify suitable funding streams Prepare and submit funding proposals PPI Provide costs for external bids 9
10 Study set up and authorisation Study documentation and scientific review Regulatory and local approvals Indemnity/insurance Finance R&D Approval Guidance RGF Legislation Agreements and Contracts 10
Essential Protocol Additional Participant information sheet Consent form Participant Invitation letter Leaflets/posters GP letter Patient card/diary Questionnaires
Ethics University/NHS REC/None MHRA Drug/device Confidentiality Advisory Group (CAG) Gene Therapy Advisory Committee (GTAC) Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority
New edition of GAfREC came into effect September Previously all clinical research involving the NHS was automatically reviewed by REC. ations/PublicationsPolicyAndGuidance/DH_126474
Research involving previously collected, non- identifiable information Staff studies Clinical databases Extraction of information from notes by clinical care team with removal of identifiers prior to analysis Check with sponsor whether University ethics is required.
15 Social or scientific value Recruitment arrangements Favourable risk benefit ratio Care and protection of research participants Informed consent process and participant information Suitability of the applicant and supporting staff Independent review
The IRAS is a single online system for applying for permissions and approvals for health and social care/community research in the UK. It streamlines the process for seeking relevant approvals, as researchers no longer need to enter the details for a single project in separate application forms. IRAS can be accessed at
17 Research has to have a confirmed sponsor, appropriate approvals & written permission from the care organisation before it commences
18 Amendments Finance and contract variations Performance management Accrual RTT Monitoring and audit Pharmacovigilance Study close out Archiving 18
The NHS REC letter lists all approved study documents with version and date for each. Any changes to the approved documents need to be submitted as an Amendment (substantial or non-substantial) and approved by the original REC.
Huge variation in study documents and approval letters. Only receive the Ethics letter and not the ethics form. Favourable opinion v approval