Curriculum & Instructional Projects at the Florida Center for Reading Research Research Symposium November 6, 2006 FCRR
Curriculum & Instructional Projects Team Marcia Kosanovich-Director Michelle Wahl Mary VanSciver Georgia Jordan Lila Rissman Elissa Arndt Teresa Logan Connie Weinstein Meghann Montgomery
FCRR Reports 4 page reviews of Reading Programs & Professional Development 4 page reviews of Reading Programs & Professional Development –Description –Alignment with Current Research –Review of Empirical Research –Strengths and Weaknesses –Florida districts that implement the program –Program’s website link –References To be a reliable resource for school districts as they make decisions about instructional materials To be a reliable resource for school districts as they make decisions about instructional materials x x x x
Reviewer Guidelines & Glossary for FCRR Reports Guidelines developed & used by the Curriculum Team to conduct reviews of reading programs Guidelines developed & used by the Curriculum Team to conduct reviews of reading programs Glossary of reading terms to provide consistent use of language Glossary of reading terms to provide consistent use of language FCRR Reports: FCRR Reports: Guidelines: Guidelines:
FAQs about FCRR Reports Our response to the flood of s and phone calls regarding FCRR Reports Our response to the flood of s and phone calls regarding FCRR Reports
Professional Development for Use of Guidelines Two Day Professional Development in the use of our Guidelines for the 16 Regional Centers across the United States. Two Day Professional Development in the use of our Guidelines for the 16 Regional Centers across the United States. These Regional Centers will use this professional development to train State Level Departments of Education to conduct their own reviews. These Regional Centers will use this professional development to train State Level Departments of Education to conduct their own reviews. Collaboration between Curriculum Team at FCRR and National K-12 Center on Instruction (COI), Reading Strand Collaboration between Curriculum Team at FCRR and National K-12 Center on Instruction (COI), Reading Strand
Curriculum Library Reading and Professional Development Curricula that have been reviewed by the Curriculum Team Reading and Professional Development Curricula that have been reviewed by the Curriculum Team Third Floor Third Floor Check out procedure Check out procedure
Reading First Site Visits Jane Meadows-Director of Professional Development Jane Meadows-Director of Professional Development Site visits are conducted at a random sample of 10% of Reading First schools Site visits are conducted at a random sample of 10% of Reading First schools –Interviews with principals, reading coaches, teacher focus groups –Classroom observations (formal and informal) –Student Data –Summary Report for the School Many of the C & I Projects are a direct result of information collected from these site visits. Many of the C & I Projects are a direct result of information collected from these site visits.
FAQs About Reading Instruction In response to site visits, phone calls, s from reading coaches, teachers, administrators, and visitors to our website In response to site visits, phone calls, s from reading coaches, teachers, administrators, and visitors to our website tructionFaq1.htm tructionFaq1.htm tructionFaq1.htm tructionFaq1.htm
Principal Walkthrough Checklists, K-3 To provide principals with a framework for observing reading instruction during the 90 minute reading block To provide principals with a framework for observing reading instruction during the 90 minute reading block This tool provides a snapshot of classroom organization, instruction, and learning opportunities This tool provides a snapshot of classroom organization, instruction, and learning opportunities Indicators focus on the learning environment and include instructional strategies essential for reading including phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension Indicators focus on the learning environment and include instructional strategies essential for reading including phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension rstGrade%20Final.pdf rstGrade%20Final.pdf rstGrade%20Final.pdf rstGrade%20Final.pdf
Student Center Activities Grades K-5 Independent student center reading activities were developed to reinforce high quality reading instruction in the five components of reading Independent student center reading activities were developed to reinforce high quality reading instruction in the five components of reading Accompanying these activities is a Teacher Resource Guide and Professional Development DVD that offers important insights on differentiated instruction and how to use the student center materials Accompanying these activities is a Teacher Resource Guide and Professional Development DVD that offers important insights on differentiated instruction and how to use the student center materials –K-1 Student Center Activities –2-3 Student Center Activities –4-5 Student Center Activities (currently being developed)
Differentiated Reading Instruction: Alternative Lesson Structures for All Students This document was prepared to provide guidance to Reading First Coaches and Teachers regarding alternative lesson structures for providing small group, differentiated instruction to students in grades K-3 within Reading First schools in Florida. This document was prepared to provide guidance to Reading First Coaches and Teachers regarding alternative lesson structures for providing small group, differentiated instruction to students in grades K-3 within Reading First schools in Florida. oupAlternativeLessonStructures.pdf oupAlternativeLessonStructures.pdf oupAlternativeLessonStructures.pdf oupAlternativeLessonStructures.pdf
Teacher Knowledge of Reading (TKR) Teacher Academies, K-3 Teacher Academies, K-3 Designed to specifically address the content in the academy as well as broad and deep knowledge about the reading process Designed to specifically address the content in the academy as well as broad and deep knowledge about the reading process This test also evaluates teachers’ knowledge of appropriate assessment and instructional practices for teaching reading. This test also evaluates teachers’ knowledge of appropriate assessment and instructional practices for teaching reading.
Florida Teacher Certification Exam Revisions Reading K-12 Reading K-12 Pre-K through Third Grade Pre-K through Third Grade Elementary Education, K-6 (reading section) Elementary Education, K-6 (reading section) Professional Education Professional Education Media Specialist Media Specialist Currently being revised: Currently being revised: –ESE –Florida Educational Leadership Exam (FELE)
Support for FCRR Projects Empowering Teachers Empowering Teachers Intervention Newsletter Intervention Newsletter Empowering Principals Empowering Principals Progress Monitoring & Reporting Network (PMRN) Progress Monitoring & Reporting Network (PMRN) National K-12 Center on Instruction, Reading Strand National K-12 Center on Instruction, Reading Strand Content Questions via & phone Content Questions via & phone
Support for JR,F! Initiatives Florida’s Reading Endorsement Florida’s Reading Endorsement Reading First Focus School Site Visits Reading First Focus School Site Visits Learning Essentials and Reading Network (LEaRN) Learning Essentials and Reading Network (LEaRN) FCAT Explorer FCAT Explorer Revisions to Sunshine State Standards Revisions to Sunshine State Standards Florida Reading Adoption Specifications Florida Reading Adoption Specifications Grant Reviews Grant Reviews Technical Assistance regarding Curriculum & Instruction Technical Assistance regarding Curriculum & Instruction
Presentations National National State State District District Principals Principals Coaches Coaches Teachers Teachers School Psychologists School Psychologists SLPs SLPs After School After School
Curriculum & Instructional Projects Team: