Surgical Oncology Surgical Oncology 06/09/12 – 06/16/2012 David Williams Andrew Young Ashley Limkemann Katarzyna Trebska- McGowan
DatePatientAtt/ResDxProcedure 06/11Bear/Trebska- McGowan Left breast CancerRemoval of port-a-cath 06/11Bear/ LimkemanRight breast cancerPort-a-cath-placement 06/11Bear/Trebska- McGowan Ductal carcinoma in situ of the left breast Re-excision of anterior margin after left segmental mastectomy for DCIS 06/11Bear/LimkemannRecurrence of left breast DCIS Re-excision left breast tissue 06/11Kaplan/ Williams/ Young Pancreatic Head massDiagnostic laparoscopic converted to exploratory laparotomy, Liver biopsy, Intraop ultrasound 06/11Vu/Young Recto-sigmoid massLoop transverse loop colostomy OR Cases
DatePatientAtt/ResDxProcedure 06/12Vu/YoungS/P Right hemicolectomy, Rule out Anastomotic Leak Ex.Lap, Drainage of Fluid Collection, Repair of anastomotic leak, Diverting Loop Ilestomy 06/13Bear/Trebska- McGowan Right breast DCISRight segmental mastectomy with needle localization 06/13Bear/Arora/ Limkemann Right breast ductal carcinoma in situ Right segmental mastectomy with needle localization, Right axillary sentinel lymph node biopsy 06/13Bear/YoungColon cancerRight hemicolectomy 06/13Kaplan/ LimkemannLeft breast ductal carcinoma in situ Left segmental mastectomy with needle localization 06/13Kaplan/Williams/ Seitelman Rectal cancerTransanal rectal excision, EUA 06/13Kaplan/Trebska- McGowan Recurrent Melanoma of the scalp Wide local excision of… OR Cases
DatePatientAtt/ResDxProcedure 06/13Kaplan/Williams/ Young H/O of Rectal cancer with a draining perineum Laparoscopic loop transverse colostomy, LOA 06/13Neifeld/ AroraPapillary thyroid cancerTotal thyroidectomy, right neck lymph node dissection, and mediastinal lymph node dissection 06/14Grover/LimkemannH/O of Left-sided breast cancer with positive margin Left breast re-excision 06/14Grover/LimkemannH/O of Right-sided breast cancer with positive margin Right breast re-excision 06/14Grover/ Trebska- McGowan Left breast DCISNeedle-localized left breast biopsy 06/14Grover/Limkemann Right breast nipple changes r/o pagets diease Right nipple biopsy OR Cases
DatePatientAtt/ResDxProcedure o6/14Vu/Trebska-McGowanLeft breast cancer Removal of port-a-cath 06/14VuRight Breast CancerRemoval of port-a-cath 06/15Neifeld/ Arora/Williams H/O Leiomyosarcoma of Abdominal with Postive Margin Wide local excision of 06/15Bear/Young Left breast cancer left modified radical mastectomy 06/15Bear/ LimkemanMetastatic breast CancerPort-a-cath-placement 06/15Bear /LimkemanLeft Breast CancerLeft skin-sparing mastectomy with a tissue expander implant, Port-a-cath-placement OR Cases
DatePatientAtt/ResDxProcedure OR Cases
DatePatientAtt/ResComplicationProcedure 06/05Vu /YoungAnastomotic Leak Right hemicolectomy 06/05Kaplan/Maher Seitleman/Young Wound InfectionTransduodenal Polypectomy and Hiatal hernia repair with nissen, G-tube 06/14Neifeld/ AroraRe-IntubationTotal thyroidectomy, right neck lymph node dissection, and mediastinal lymph node dissection and Anterior cervical diskectomy of C-4,5 06/12Kaplan/Seitleman/ Arora/ Williams Anastomotic Leak and C.DiffExploratory laparotomy, total gastrectomy, feeding jejunostomy, upper endoscopy Death and Complication