Regional Training/Consultations on Capacity Development for Sustainable Growth and Human Development in Europe and CIS Application of Capacity Development Processes at the National and Institutional Level: EU Funded Project “Support to the Civil Service Reform in Tajikistan” Ülle Purga Bratislava, SLOVAKIA July, 2007
Context and CD Challenges to be Addressed Civil service reform was delayed and a reform strategy was urgently needed Largely ineffective civil service legislation No systematic investment in civil service staff capacity development in recent 12 years No coherent and homogenous education and training system Recently created Civil Service Directorate (CSD) and the Institute for Improving the Qualifications of Civil Servants (IIQCS) needed either modernisation and streamlining or significant capacity building
CD Methodology Applied by the Project Complex set of capacity building activities: LEVEL I and II (enabling environment and organizational level) – assisting the CSD in drafting a new civil service law together with appropriate implementing regulations LEVEL II and III (organizational and individual) - strengthening the capacity of the CSD to manage the implementation of the new civil service law LEVEL II and III (organizational and individual) - strengthening the capacity of the Institute for Improving the Qualifications of Civil Servants to train civil servants
Main CB Challenges (capacities necessary to improve) How to analyse a situation and create a vision for the civil service reform? How to formulate policy and strategy for the civil service reform? How to budget, manage, and implement the civil service reform? How to achieve the multi-stakeholder dialogue in design of the civil service reform? How to monitor and evaluate the implementation of the civil service reform?
I Component: Providing an Enabling Framework for Effective Functioning of Civil Service The project assisted the CSD in developing a civil service reform strategy The projecte assisted the CSD in drafting a new civil service law, together with necessary implementing regulations (submitted to the Tajik Parliament in 2006 and adopted in 2007)
II Component: Strengthening the Capacity of the Civil Service Department (CSD) Drafting a new decree on the CSD to amend its organisational structure, and strengthen its powers Design of job descriptions for all staff and units Development of the CSD working procedures manual Organisation of workshops and round table discussions on aspects of civil service reform, the legal framework for the civil service, and on the framework for managing its human resources Organising regional seminars in various regions of Tajikistan in introducing new approaches in civil servants work 3 study tours for the CSD and IIQCS staff
III Component: Building Capacities in the Institute for Improving the Qualifications of Civil Servants The key disciplines to be taught and priority target groups were identified A new curriculum and training materials for management and leadership training programme were developed Training capabilities of IICQS teaching staff were enhanced through study tours as well as trough advising and coaching during design and development of training modules Organisational capacities of the Institute were expanded as a result from improved marketing of its services and more effective communication with its clients
Ensuring Ownership, Leadership and Commitment Intense cooperation and continuous coordination with the CSD and IIQCS management Focusing as much as possible on the needs of beneficiaries Creation of 3 core groups Organising round table meetings to consult and discuss all core issues and necessary changes Involving main stakeholders in these meetings
Ensuring Sustainability Strong orintation on real needs (a comprehensive needs assessment was carried out) Legal provisions form a good base for sustainability Work of three core groups and involvement of main actors in preparation of new solutions Establishing links with similar institutions (civil service management or training institutions) abroad Logical linkage with other reform strategies
Monitoring and Evaluation Relatively well monitored project (by external evaluation team) Monthly progress reports 6 months progress reports Project completion report No significant impact on beneficiary organisations’ monitoring and evaluation capacities
3 Main Challenges and Lessons Learned 1.How to identify and engage all relevant stakeholders? 2. How to improve key requirements for sustainable results (public access to information, civic engagement and public accountability for results) in Tajik conditions? 3.How to achieve changes in the mindsets, norms and values of all levels of public officials? Our project managed to find only few answers to these questions