10th Configuration Management Benchmarking Conference June 15-18, 2003 Hershey, PA 2003 CONFERENCE " A Decade of Sharing" IAEA Activities Related to CM Presented By: Andrei Kossilov International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Co-authored By: Rick Harris, Duke Power
2 International Activities Summary Activities sponsored by International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA): äIAEA-TECDOC-1335 (issued) äDraft IAEA Safety Report äWorkshops and other IAEA Activities
3 International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA): äestablished as an autonomous organization under the United Nations (UN) in 1957 äworld's foremost intergovernmental forum for scientific and technical co-operation in the peaceful use of nuclear technology ä135 Member States IAEA Headquarters Vienna, Austria
4 International Activities World Nuclear Plants Under Construction Operating North America Western Europe Eastern Europe Asia South America Africa Four reactors began operation in China within the last year
5 IAEA-TECDOC-1335IAEA-TECDOC-1335 äTECDOC 1335 issued January 2003 ä“Configuration Management in Nuclear Power Plants” äIAEA Guideline Document äAvailable on IAEA web site
6 IAEA-TECDOC-1335IAEA-TECDOC-1335 Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. Plant Configuration Management Program 3.Process for Improving the Existing Configuration Management Practice 4.Conclusion and Recommendations References Annexes A-J
7 IAEA-TECDOC-1335IAEA-TECDOC-1335 Annexes Annex A Terminology Annex BAssessments Annex CExamples of top management instructions Annex DDevelopment of methods and tools Annex EDesign bases considerations Annex FDesign document reconstitution program Annex GSetting priorities and structuring of existing documentation Annex HSamples of “good practices” Annex ISummary of IAEA OSART missions Annex JStatus of CM in Member States
8 IAEA-TECDOC-1335IAEA-TECDOC-1335 Main Features äLinking operational configuration to design configuration äAssessing your CM program äReconstitution of Design Information äErosion of organization knowledge through attrition and personnel migration äTurnover of organizational knowledge
9 IAEA-TECDOC-1335IAEA-TECDOC speaking the same language CM Objective from IAEA-TECDOC-1335 same as ANSI CM
10 IAEA-TECDOC-1335IAEA-TECDOC-1335 Contributors to Drafting and Review chaired by Brian Grimes - US NRC, retired USA Czech Republic Germany SpainFrance China South Korea Slovenia
11 IAEA Safety Report New IAEA Safety Report äIAEA Safety Standard Series äDeveloped to provide practical applications äFocus on examples of events and challenges to CM advice on meeting challenges äWorking Title : “ Application of Configuration Management in Nuclear Power Plants”
12 New IAEA Safety Report Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. Structuring and Improving CM 3. Applications of Configuration Management 4.Organisational and Human Factors aspects 5.Self Assessments and Performance Indicators Annexes
13 New IAEA Safety Report Uses concept of CM Equilibrium developed by CMBG and processes for returning plant to a state of CM Equilibrium Evaluate Identified Problem or Desired Change Change Facility Configuration Information ? Change Design Requirements ? Change Physical Configuration ? Do Nothing More CM Equilibrium Physical Configuration Change Authorization Process Design Requirements Change Process Facility Configuration Information Change Process No Yes No
14 New IAEA Safety Report Schedule for Safety Report Development ä1st draft in June 2002 äIndependent reviews in late 2002 ä2 nd Draft June 2003 äIndependent reviews in 3 rd Qtr 2003 äIssue 4 th Qtr 2003
15 New IAEA Safety Report Contributors to Drafting and Review USA Czech Republic Germany FranceSweden United Kingdom Hungary Bertil Hansson, IAEA - Operational Safety Section Vojtech Kotyza, IAEA - Engineering Safety Section Pakistan
16 Prior workshops äConfiguration Management & Outage Safety - Pusan, South Korea - December 2000 (Participants from: Korea, China, India & Pakistan) äModifications & Configuration Management - Moscow, Russia - March 2001 äConfiguration Management & Outage Safety - Haiyan, China - April 2001 IAEA Workshops and Other Activities
17 Prior workshops äCM presentation at international conference “Nuclear Option In Countries With Small And Medium Electricity Grids” - Dubronvik, Croatia, June 2000 äConfiguration Management Conference - Slovenia, November 2001 äWorkshop on CM and Design Basis Documents – Hungary, June 2003 IAEA Workshops and Other Activities
18 ä TC project RER/9/069 ä 2001 – 2004 ($502,000) ä Objectives: to develop/adapt a methodology for systematic reconstitution of the design basis documentation (DBD) for WWER reactors, and to train the plants’ experts in application of the methodology so developed. WWER Design Basis Documentation Management System
19 ä Participating countries: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Russian Federation, Ukraine ä Technical leadership: Nuclear Research Institute at Rez, Czech Republic ä Expected Results: Plant configuration changes are in compliance with the applicable regulatory requirements and with the plant licensing basis. WWER Design Basis Documentation Management System
20 Требования к проекту Что должно туда входить Данные по конфигурации объекта Что там имеется Физическая станция Что там имеется на самом деле Рабочие процессы должны обеспечивать: Постоянное соответствие элементов Авторизацию всех изменений Проверку соответствия Рабочие процессы должны обеспечивать: Постоянное соответствие элементовПостоянное соответствие элементов Авторизацию всех измененийАвторизацию всех изменений Проверку соответствияПроверку соответствия Вот идея, которая сводит это все воедино: Каждый из этих пунктов представляет важную концепцию! “Трехэлементная диаграмма” speaking the same language... in any language IAEA Workshops Slide from presentation in Russia