4-H Youth Development Program
Agenda: 1.Update on the 4-H SET Initiative 2.Staff readiness study 3.Western Region 4-H Science Academy 4.Volunteer development 5.4-H SET Initiative priorities 6.SET Reminders Purpose of the Call: Start a conversation around these items; provide input on future directions.
California 4-H SET Planning Mission for Statewide 4-H SET Role of: Leadership Team County Staff Volunteers Richard Mahacek
Goal #1: Improve youth science literacy Curriculum based on ANR initiatives and Science Standards Preparation via professional development strategies Various delivery modes and audiences Partners to strengthen programming Richard Mahacek
Goal #2: Advance youth science education Evaluating 4-H SET programming Conducting new applied research Sharing outcomes Richard Mahacek
Goal #3: Resource Development Support Public/Government Foundations Corporations Private Donors Richard Mahacek
Discussion around Staff Readiness Study Professional Development Lynn Schmitt-McQuitty
Western Region 4-H Science Academy The California 4-H Youth Development Program in the UC ANR Youth, Families, and Communities Program has been selected to host the 2012 Western Region 4-H Science Academy, March 26-28, 2012 at UC Davis. Martin Smith
Pre-Academy Events Pre-Academy Webinars/Conference Calls: Webinars will be designed to introduce participants to the nature of each Academy Functional Area: o Curriculum o Evaluation o Fund Development o Partnerships o Professional Development)
In-Residence Events Keynote speakers representing the field of nonformal science education. Face-to-Face Workshops on the UC-Davis campus: Workshops will be designed in two distinct formats: o Content Area Specific Workshops (each participant will register for one content area): Animal Science; Environment, Ecosystems, and Natural Resources; Engineering & Technology; Food, Nutrition, and Family Consumer Science. o Academy Functional Areas (participants will choose two Academy Functional Areas): Curriculum Identification, Adaptation, and Development; Evaluation; Fund Development; Partnerships; Professional Development.
In-Residence Events At the end of the Western Regional 4-H Science Academy, optional, fee-based field trips to local/area/regional science education centers and museums will be offered to participants (e.g., Exploratorium; Zeum; Lawrence Hall of Science; Discovery Museum Science and Space Center).
Post-Academy Events Post-Academy Webinars/Conference Calls: Using a community of practice format, two post-webinars/conference calls will be made with each science content area group. An emphasis will be placed on the application of new knowledge and skills to participants’ state 4-H Science Initiatives.
Discussion around Volunteer Development Lynn Schmitt-McQuitty
Organizational Capacity Building Incorporating science in all 4-H projects Evaluation competencies Volunteer management (recruitment, recognition, development) Curriculum adaptation Science Processes Richard Mahacek
Ready-To-Go Curriculum Components Staff Professional Development Materials/supplies Travel Evaluation Printing/Purchasing Partnerships Ready to Disseminate: National Curriculum to Consider Development of Curriculum Components Needs assessment/ Research Staff Pilot Testing Materials/supplies Travel Formative/summative evaluation Publication costs Partnerships Needs Updating Needs Developing
Reminders: H National Youth Science Day Revolution of Responsibility $1,000 for 1,000 Projects Campaign Steven Worker