Parent Councils Parent Councils Parents as Partners in their Children’s Learning
Why parental involvement? The Scottish Schools (Parental Involvement) Act 2006 – Where parents are involved, children do better and achieve more.
Scottish Schools (Parental Involvement) Act 2006 The law aims to help all parents to be : involved with their child's education and learning welcomed as active participants in the life of the school, and encouraged to express their views on school education.
So, as a parent, what’s my role? Parents as Partners in their Children’s Learning
What is the Parent Forum and Parent Council? Every parent with a child at the school is a member of the Parent Forum. The Parent Forum can choose to have their views represented through a Parent Council. Parent Council is a smaller body that can represent parents’ views to the school, local authority and HMIe.
What does the Parent Council do? Support the school in its work with pupils Gather and represent the views of parents and carers Encourage links between the school, parents and carers, pupils, pre-school groups and the wider community Be involved in appointment of senior staff
What can the Parent Council do? Support the school in developing strong home / school partnerships Capture the wide and varied skills, interests, knowledge and experience parents can offer Fundraise Assist at and organise events
What the Parent Council is not A group with responsibility for what goes on in school A group to which the Head Teacher is ‘accountable’ A group independent of other parents A group which ignores the views / wishes of the majority of parents A group which majors on the views / wishes of a minority of parents A group which seeks to ‘divide and conquer’ A single interest group NB. The PI Act allows for members to be removed from the Parent Council Key word - Partnership
How can parents get involved? Offer your skills to the school Organise / offer to help with an extra curricular activity Help with outings / trips Help at parents evenings Help with fund-raising Set up / help with breakfast club Organise a walking bus
How can parents get involved? Get involved in the eco schools initiative Run a settling in day / evening Get a newsletter going What about a parents ’ website? Offer to get involved in the Parent Council Ask what ’ s needed and offer to do anything helpful to the school! Offer your skills to the school – Partnership!!!
What about finances? Parent Council bank account Annual allocation Public liability insurance
Useful websites Parentzone National Parent Forum of Scotland Scottish Parent Teacher Council
Useful Contacts Elaine Kirkham Ros Bell