Introduction of the Curriculum for Prospective NHTI Faculty NHTI Coordinating Committee Association of College & University Housing Officers – International October, 2015 As you complete a slide, please click the red arrow on the bottom right of your screen to proceed to the next page.
The purpose of this presentation is to share the evolving curriculum for the National Housing Training Institute (NHTI). Welcome! As a prospective faculty member, the NHTI Coordinating Committee felt it was important for you to better understand the nature and direction of on-going curriculum work of our Association. We promise this will be a light/brief, but very useful, introduction to the NHTI Curriculum!
NHTI is an incredibly powerful professional development experience for our advancing professionals (3 to 7 years in the profession). But it’s important that NHTI connects directly with other available educational resources targeted to this segment of the our profession. In 2015, we are working hard to revise the NHTI Curriculum so that it: Is consistent from year-to-year, and location-to-location. Integrates the Association’s Knowledge Domains and the work of the Body of Knowledge taskforce into NHTI. Best meets the needs of our advancing professionals. Anchors the Association’s educational curriculum for this phase of the career trajectory. Doesn’t duplicate other available programs and services. Exceeds the standards of quality expected of the Institute. The NHTI Curriculum NHTI Content Conferences Online Learning Periodicals & Readings Other Events Campus Based Training Other Opportunities Coaching Supervision &
While NHTI is designed for advancing professionals, there are other phases of a housing and residence life professional’s career. The NHTI Curriculum Para- Professionals New Professionals (0-3 Years) Advancing Professionals (3-7 Years) Mid-Level Professionals (8+ Years) CHOs & Aspiring CHOs Educational experiences are available that target specific phases of a professional’s career (like NHTI and STARS College), or experiences for any phase of someone’s career (like Facilities, Business Operations, etc.). In designing the NHTI curriculum, we are focusing on ensuring that what is covered during the Institute builds on content expected earlier in one’s career, and serves as a foundation for next career steps. We also don’t want to duplicate what other programs would provide.
And all the career trajectory focused programs should connect to, and not duplicate, one another. The NHTI Curriculum Think about it this way: What we cover at NHTI should connect to, and not duplicate, what will be covered in the coming Mid-Level Manager’s Institute. Mid-Level Managers NHTI Available Entry Level Institutes STARS College & Internship CHO Institute Content Conferences Online Learning Periodicals & Readings Other Events Campus Based Training Other Opportunities Coaching Supervision & Content Conferences Online Learning Periodicals & Readings Other Events Campus Based Training Other Opportunities Coaching Supervision & Content Conferences Online Learning Periodicals & Readings Other Events Campus Based Training Other Opportunities Coaching Supervision & Content Conferences Online Learning Periodicals & Readings Other Events Campus Based Training Other Opportunities Coaching Supervision & Content Conferences Online Learning Periodicals & Readings Other Events Campus Based Training Other Opportunities Coaching Supervision & Our educational programs should connect to, but not overly duplicate, one another to provided the greatest breadth and depth of educational opportunity for our members.
Curriculum Development As we began to develop the curriculum, we started with the Body of Knowledge and Knowledge Domains established by the Association in The Knowledge Domains define the scope of the universe (depth of knowledge) for 12 different areas of expertise unique to housing and residence life. Using the Knowledge Domains as a foundation, we synthesized a number of other documents and resources: Existing NHTI Competencies, and other competency outlines/documents. Housing Book Series content. Available syllabi of master’s and doctoral level courses in higher education programs. Key texts, books, and source materials on the topics of interest. NHTI and CHO session content from prior years. Other resources as needed. Through the curriculum development process, we are identifying knowledge and skills necessary across the Domains (breadth of knowledge) that every housing and residence life professional should know to be successful.
Curriculum Development 1-2 Function Roles Next to You You should be knowledgeable enough about 1-2 functional roles out from you that you know what they do, and why. But not be an expert in how they necessarily do it. Broader Campus You should have an awareness of roles that exist in the broader campus community and what they do. Your Role You should become an expert in all facets of those things related to your role. As you continue to develop your skills and knowledge, you will become more efficient, and then continue to expand out the things that will be important to learn to be increasingly effective and progressively more responsible in your role. Our philosophy is to look at each individual’s role. We identify those skills and knowledge we believe every housing and residence life professional should have about the other functional areas/roles, but do not necessarily need to build deep expertise in all areas of the operation.
In identifying key learning for advancing professionals across the knowledge domains, it is important to remember that different campuses have different structures. Each campus is unique. Each housing and residence life professional will want to chart their own path along the curriculum based on their own circumstances. People enter the field at different stages of their lifespan. Our curriculum is designed to be broadly applicable to multiple campus settings, individual timelines and histories, and needs. The NHTI Curriculum
The Knowledge Domain Core Curriculum: Identifies major buckets of knowledge for each knowledge domain. These major buckets are not about creating expertise in the domain, but having a basic understanding of all of the domains. Layers the major content buckets by career trajectory (what should a paraprofessional know? What should a new professional know?). Develops learning objectives that further outlines content in each major bucket. Core Curriculum
Curriculum Development Knowledge Domains Career Trajectory Phase Identifying what each housing and residence life professional (a “generalist”) should know about every Knowledge Domain. Organized by where an individual is in each of their career trajectory phases. Allowed the Knowledge Domain Core Curriculum to emerge that we will integrate into NHTI to meet the needs of our participants.
We evaluated the knowledge domains, major buckets, and learning objectives for advancing professionals, and identified those best suited to be addressed during the Institute. Based on the learning objectives, we identified outlines for content, and asked teams of experts in those areas to develop anchor presentations that covered the appropriate outcomes. During this review and content development, we are making iterative changes to the major buckets and learning objectives so that the Core Curriculum continues to evolve and integrate a wider range of perspectives. The NHTI Coordinating Committee reviewed the content developed by the experts, and will create some cross-session consistency so that the Institute had a cohesive curriculum. Core Curriculum
We can develop a strong, connected curriculum. We’ll provide you a framework presentation that covers the key learning objectives for NHTI for the particular knowledge domain/content area. But we need you as a faculty member to make the puzzle pieces come together. Connecting content to real-world practice and facilitating conversation among participants to better understand the material will help make the curriculum come alive for our participants! That’s what will make NHTI continue to be successful and an impactful experience. Now We Need Your Help
The NHTI Coordinating Committee Will: Develop and provide framework presentations for each of the primary content areas. This will include a power point presentation with material and experiences to assist participants in achieving the identified session objectives. Assist Faculty in understanding how the content provided at NHTI connects with other events, and how it layers with other phases of the career trajectory. Provide some broader educational experiences for you as a Faculty member so that this experience also continues to contribute to your development. Assist Faculty in identifying strategies to make the curriculum come alive for participants, and be meaningful to their long-term careers. NHTI Will Provide to Faculty
Faculty identify and integrate real-world examples, stories, and other materials into the presentation/session to help make the curriculum come alive. While ensuring the learning objectives and core content are covered, Faculty make the framework presentation “theirs”. Faculty will facilitate meaningful conversations among participants so that they can connect their learning to their daily work and professional identity. As a cluster leader, Faculty will serve as mentors to a small group of participants. At the conclusion of the Institute, Faculty provide feedback to NHTI to ensure we are continually improving our curriculum, and ensuring it maintains cutting edge materials. Faculty Commitments
NHTI has published a Call for NHTI Faculty Applications. This will: Provide more details on expectations of Faculty and the Faculty Role during NHTI. Describe the specific knowledge domains/content sessions to be offered at the Institute, so that you have an idea of the core areas in which we need your expertise to assist participants. Identify how we will select and assign faculty and participants between the two sites. Look for this and other information in the NHTI Call for Faculty! More Information
Thank You! Thank you for taking a few minutes to learn more about the NHTI Curriculum and the Faculty Role at the Institute! End