The road to the Flemish smart grids platform Chris Degroof Electrabel 02/03/2010 Niko Belgium
Overview The long and winding road Founding principles Ambitions
The long and winding road Strategic orientation of our companies Alternative platform models Core traits of a breakthrough platform Cluster 6: thematic focus – energy and environment Selection of a breakthrough platform Evaluation criteria Go/NoGo Project plan Conclusions & recommendations This was 2008: initial trajectory
The long and winding road A5.1 : Drafting of the business plan A5.2 : Roadshows Frame of reference VSGP Mission, vision & goals Business plan Internals of VSGP Start-up Initial project portolio A1.1 : Long list areas of cooperation A1.2 : SWOT analysis A1.3 : Analysis of expectations and needs A1.4 : Models for VSGP A0.1 : kick-off steering committee A0.2 : Assembly of thematic working groups A0.3 : Other start-up activities A3.1 : Core process design A3.2 : Budgetting WP 0 WP 1 WP 2 WP 3 WP 4 WP 5 A2.1 : Mission, vision and strategic goals A2.2 : Operational goals A4.1 : preparatory tasks A4.2 : Project identification and evaluation per cooporation area A4.3 : Establishing the initial project portfolio This was 2009: Feasibility
The long and winding road This is 2010: the platform Producers DSO Services & technology Professional organisations Knowledge institutions Government/other
Founding principles ① Cradle in Flanders o And open to the world ② Commercial breakthroughs o Implementation at home as step-up to international exports ③ Plugging international niche markets o Niche specialization with the capacity of end-to- end integration