Doing Good in the World GROWING THE VALUE
World understanding World understanding Goodwill Goodwill Peace Peace Our Mission
Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution Disease Prevention and Treatment Water and Sanitation Maternal and Child Health Basic Education and Literacy Economic and Community Development Our Focus
Build Peace
Fight Disease
Provide Clean Water
Support Mothers and Children
Promote Education
Grow Local Economies
100% Member Participation US$100 per capita
The Annual Fund-SHARE System 50% DDF 50% World 50% DDF 50% World How We Fund
Select a designation, amount and frequency Available in multiple currencies Safe, simple and secure: Recurring Giving
School supplies Malaria tests Water hygiene training US $100 Provides
HIV anti-retroviral drugs Mobility for disabled youth Domestic abuse education US $1,000 Gives
Rotary Foundation and Calgary West Contributions 2011/12 Members contributing 23 Members attending RI Pres. dinner 7 Total Member contributions $26,370 Cumulative contributions $411,299
Rotary Foundation and Calgary West Cumulative to June 2012 Members in Club 72 Current members > $1,00050 Benefactors/Bequest Society 20 PHF awarded this Rotary year 10
Rotary Club of Calgary Fish Creek District 5360 Rotary Foundation Calgary Rotary Clubs Foundation
CONFIDENCE IN THE FUTURE The Calgary Rotary Clubs Foundation is funded and owned only by Rotary clubs within Calgary. It exists as an investment vehicle for each club individually, with all decisions as to disposal of income resting solely with the individual clubs. Clubs make their own donations and have full control over their share of monies earned.
CONFIDENCE IN THE FUTURE At present the 13 Calgary clubs are members of the Foundation. Each club maintains its own balance within the Foundation, and realizes returns on that balance. CRCF paid out to participating clubs : $2,550,000 in 2011 $1,560,000 in2012 greatly enhancing their ability to fund club projects. Total value of the CRCF for the year ended February of 2012 was $35,378,000.
GROWING THE VALUE Even modest donations by members can have a major impact on returns to your club. Longer-range financial planning becomes possible, significantly enhancing the club’s ability to fund projects Funds can be used to fund regular commitments – Scholarships – Habitat for Humanity – Rotary Challenger Park
LOOKING TO THE FUTURE The Calgary Rotary Clubs Foundation guarantees a minimum return of 5% per annum on average balance of previous 3 Years. Calgary West currently at February 2012 has a balance of $381,618 CRCF returned to your Club for service projects – 2011$22,378 – 2012$15,592 – 2013$15,045
$500,000 Goal For 50 Years 2017 Set Club Goal
HOW CAN I PARTICIPATE AND CONTRIBUTE ? Designated Funds Cash – lump sums or annually Bequests in a will Donation of capital property Life insurance
Rotarian driven projects Diligent oversight of funds Local and international projects Rotarians: Service above Self Make Rotary your Charity of Choice
Thank you for your support! THANK YOU