PRESENTATION OVERVIEW Strategic Overview and APP 2011/12 Auditor General Assessment of Risks Solutions and way forward on: Optimal organizational structure and changes in modus operandi of organization to deal with present financial management challenges. Consultants – New approach Performance bonuses Frequently Asked Questions 22
STRATEGY OVERVIEW ProgrammeProgramme NamePurpose Programme 1 Administration & SupportProvide strategic leadership, centralised administration and executive support, and corporate services. Programme 6 Sector Service, Environmental Awareness & International Relations Create conditions for effective corporate and co- operative governance, international co-operation and implementation of expanded public works projects in the environment sector 33
PROGRAMME 1 ADMINISTRATION & SUPPORT GOAL: A department that is fully capacitated to deliver its service efficiently and effectively STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES KEY PERFOMANCE INDICATOR TARGETS 2011/122015/16 Equitable and sound corporate governance % Compliance with statutory tabling and prescripts. 100% (strategic plans, Annual Performance Plans, legislation as per legislative programme) Unqualified external audit report Unqualified report Annual unqualified reports Percentage expenditure 98% 98% expenditure of annual budget Percentage of expenditure on affirmative procurement 59% 59% of expenditure on affirmative procurement % of implementation of audit recommendations/ mitigation actions 80% 90% of implementation actions 44
PROGRAMME 1 ADMINISTRATION & SUPPORT GOAL: A department that is fully capacitated to deliver its service efficiently and effectively STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES KEY PERFOMANCE INDICATOR TARGETS 2011/122015/16 Improve access to information % Presidential Hotline queries processed within timeframes (within 3 working days) 100% % of own share of voice in the media 55% Maintain 55% Number of the Public Awareness and Public Participation Events 5 per annum Frequency of new website update DEA website updated on weekly basis Website updated weekly 55
PROGRAMME 6 SECTOR SERVICE, ENVIRONMENT AWARENESS & INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS GOAL: Enhanced socio-economic benefits and employment creation for the present and future generations from a healthy environment STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES KEY PERFOMANCE INDICATORTARGET 2011/ /16 Improved socio-economic benefits within the environmental sector Number of Full Time Equivalents (FTE) created (57 206)* Number of new Work Opportunities created ( )* Number of SMMEs used (empowerment) (1 651)* Number of youth benefiting from the NYS (3 186)* No. of wetlands rehabilitated610 wetlands rehabilitated100** No. of community parks created and/or rehabilitated 15 (24)* No. of indigenous trees planted (50 000)* Number of households benefitting from waste collection initiatives ** 66
PROGRAMME 6 SECTOR SERVICE, ENVIRONMENT AWARENESS & INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS CONTI… GOAL: Enhanced socio-economic benefits and employment creation for the present and future generations from a healthy environment STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES KEY PERFOMANCE INDICATORTARGETS 2011/122015/16 Improved socio- economic benefits within the environmental sector Number of funded sector projects implemented for the Green Economy programmes 24 National Strategy for Sustainable Development Plan finalised and Implemented Final National Strategy approved by Cabinet Sector-specific action plan implemented, monitored and evaluated Improved sector education and awareness Percentage implementation of skills development plan for prioritised sectors 30%100% implementation of development plan for prioritised sectors Number of environmental education & awareness workshops conducted 80 workshops150 workshops for schools and tertiary institutions (cover all provinces) Number of Grade 7 teachers trained80 teacher trained nationally360 teachers trained nationally Number of accredited training person days created training days created Number of environmental centres established 24(16) 77
PROGRAMME 6 SECTOR SERVICE, ENVIRONMENT AWARENESS & INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS CONTI… GOAL: Enhanced socio-economic benefits and employment creation for the present and future generations from a healthy environment STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES KEY PERFOMANCE INDICATOR TARGETS 2011/122015/16 Effective knowledge and information management for the sector Enterprise GISEnterprise GIS development plans and process established and initiated Enterprise GIS fully operational with full access to spatial information Frequency of South Africa Environment Outlook published, distributed and utilised First draft of the second SAEO compiled Second South Africa Environment Outlook published, 2000 copies distributed Frequency of Official environmental statistics published Identification and submission of DEA data sets for implementation of SASQAF accreditation Annual Official environmental statistics published Science-policy interface, knowledge-sharing and management system in place and utilised. Research, Development and Evidence Strategy finalised and implemented for two focus areas Sector knowledge-sharing and management strategy in place Effective cooperative governance and local government support Number of municipalities consulted in including to environmental issues to IDP. 80%100% municipalities consulted Conflict resolution system in place and implemented Functional conflict management system All complaints lodged to be processed in line with NEMA chapter 4 88
AG ASSESSMENT OF RISKS Areas of Concern/RisksManagement Response Implement effective human resource management to ensure that adequate and sufficiently skilled resources are in place and that performance is monitored The establishment and vacant post were reviewed in the current financial year to align the cost of vacant posts with the available budget. Prepare regular, accurate and complete financial and performance reports that are supported and evidenced by reliable information Only after consideration by the Auditor- General it was identified that reporting on some disclosure notes was not correctly interpreted and had to be amended. The Department had systems in place to provide the correct information after clarifying the principle 99
AG ASSESSMENT OF RISKS Areas of Concern/RisksManagement Response Implement proper record keeping in a timely manner to ensure that complete, relevant and accurate information is accessible and available to support financial and performance reporting A central information repository for evidence to support performance reports has been created on Electronic Document Management System (EDMS) and evidence is being verified on a sample basis. The fixed Asset Register has been updated after the transfer of assets to Tourism was affected. 1010
OPTIMAL ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE - FINANCIAL CHALLENGES The department engaged the National Treasury Assistance Unit (TAU) to review an align it service delivery model and macro organisational structure The findings of the study will be available by the end of April These findings will then determine the optimal organisational structure 1111
CONSULTANTS – NEW APPROACH 1212 When contracting professional or consultancy services, prior to the invitation of bids, business units are required to motivate and obtain approval for the Accounting Officer that the Department in not capable of rendering the required service from its own ranks, owing to a lack of expertise. DEA must undertake an institutional assessment of capacity to absorb outside assistance, or Alternative ways of addressing needs, as to train staff and build more capacity, to recruit new employees or to extend working hours Consultants should be engaged when the necessary skills or resources to perform a project/duty/study are not available internally The Department must assess the total cost of using consultants in relation to cost effectiveness before appointment.
Analyse and categorise the nature of work outsourced Categories differs according to the nature of projects e.g Specialized skills required from time to time in construction, ITC, Legal drafting in Environmental Legislations, Scientists in Biotechnology, etc Provide motivation for the continued use of consultants for certain categories of work. The continuous use of consultants are a result of the uniqueness of the project where the skills is not always resident in the Department e.g Field Research in Biotechnology, Graphic Designers, Architectural & Engineering Specialists, etc Provide phase out plan for the utilization of consultants for work that can and should be done “in house” The Supply Chain Management Policy provide the Phase Out Plan as approved by the Director General on the 22 February 2011, paragraph 18.1 & Analyse and categorise the nature of work outsourced Categories differs according to the nature of projects e.g Specialized skills required from time to time in construction, ITC, Legal drafting in Environmental Legislations, Scientists in Biotechnology, etc Provide motivation for the continued use of consultants for certain categories of work. The continuous use of consultants are a result of the uniqueness of the project where the skills is not always resident in the Department e.g Field Research in Biotechnology, Graphic Designers, Architectural & Engineering Specialists, etc Provide phase out plan for the utilization of consultants for work that can and should be done “in house” The Supply Chain Management Policy provide the Phase Out Plan as approved by the Director General on the 22 February 2011, paragraph 18.1 & 18.2
Purpose of performance management Clarification of performance expectations and standards Ensuring achievement of goals through regular monitoring Enhancing performance by addressing training and development needs Identifying and removing obstacles to performance Recognition and reward of excellence (Motivation & Retention). Purpose of performance management Clarification of performance expectations and standards Ensuring achievement of goals through regular monitoring Enhancing performance by addressing training and development needs Identifying and removing obstacles to performance Recognition and reward of excellence (Motivation & Retention).
PROCESS Contracting: Agreeing on deliverables Determining developmental needs: Employees’ needs for training and development determined throughout year Needs fed into the Department’s Workplace Skills Plan Assessing performance: Assessment of performance against targets four times per annum, twice informally - twice formally Scores and distribution: Five point rating scale 1:unacceptable, 2:performance has not been fully effective, 3:fully effective 4:significantly above expectations and 5:outstanding performance Moderating assessment results : First level quality check by relevant DDGs for parity across units Substantial deviations from the normal curve to be motivated Moderation to ensure consistent and fair assessments PERFORMANCE BONUSES CONT.
Rating Award Gr1-10 Gr11-12 SMS Fully effective Pay prog(PP) Significantly above Bonus &PP 10% 10% 5-9% Expectations Outstanding Bonus & PP 18% 14% 10-14% performance Percentages are calculated on salary for grades 1 to 10 and on remuneration package for other grades. Pay progression (PP) Senior Member of Staff (SMS) PERFORMANCE BONUSES CONT. Moderated results used to determine awards are as follows:
The next slides with pie charts depict The allocation of pay progression and performance bonuses for the Department as a whole; and The distribution per level for previous cycle. PERFORMANCE BONUSES CONT.
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS & RESPONSES Local Government Support: Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with South African Local Government Association (SALGA) & South African Cities Network (SACN) improve environmental sustainability in municipal integrated development management common approach to environmental management planning Integrated Development Planning process coordinated by Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (COGTA) Social Responsibility Projects Urban Environmental Management Programme (UEMP) Green Cities and Towns as key theme in Green Economy Strategy SACN, SALGA & DEA: Local Government Climate Change Initiative 2020
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS & RESPONSES cont. Job creation Full time equivalents (FTEs) created, new job opportunity and training days 459 Youth benefited from the National Youth Services 56% on the implementation of Environmental Skills Sector Plan 95% on expenditure 2121