How effective were Nazi policies towards women?
Reference p298-p303 of Hinton and Hite
Key Points Nazi Policy was full of contradictions – inc marriage and the family. Main policy was to encourage the family unit and the foundation of Volksgemeinschaft
Problems Hitler youth took children away from the family and encouraged children to question parents The quest for the pure race led to an increase in divorce and sterilisation Policy of Euthenasia These policies engendered the opposition of the church.
Lebensborn programme – children born out of marriage Policy of driving women back to the home not successful – the number of women in employment increased Economic recovery meant labour shortages; acute by 1939 – ideology conflicting with economic necessity – but the govt didn’t encourage this
Female conscription in war did not happen until Women conscripted but Germany far less effective than in Britain. Hitler had strongly resisted this.
Propaganda The extent of the effectiveness of propaganda is hard to judge Perhaps effectiveness differed with different classes? Why? Nazi policies were conservative and traditional rather than radical – therefore may have reinforced attitudes.
Historical Debate There is a debate about the merits and demerits of Nazi policy There is a debate about the effectiveness or otherwise of the policy Why was their policy a cautious one?
References rary/weekly/aa080601b.htm rary/weekly/aa080601b.htm k/GERwomen.htm k/GERwomen.htm
Activities Do activity 1a and b about the effectiveness of Nazi policy – P298 Do activity 2 evaluating the sources. Look at the statistical sources – what do they tell us about the effectiveness of Nazi Policy? P300
Overview Examine the 10 Key Points on P 303 Discuss them as to whether they prove the effectiveness of Nazi policy or not.
Prepare for the question ‘ Nazi policy towards women and the family was contradictory and incoherent and was essentially a failure’. How far do you agree with this statement?